Airpods Creating A Better Travel Experience

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Alexander Shevchenko a Russian expatriate engineer with Saudi Aramco hurries through the departure terminal in Riyadh. His flight out of Saudi Arabia is certain, onboard the Emirates. Like most expatriates working in the Oil rich Kingdom, he’s going on a break… well, a vacation back home in Moscow. With no direct flight from Riyadh to Moscow, his itinerary now consists of making a stopover in Istanbul — Turkey. Five hours later…phew! Istanbul here we come. He quickly alights the Emirates, hoping to quickly maneuver his way and board the Turkish airline.

Suddenly, a voice blasts through the speakers in the departure lounge. Speaking with a deep Arabic accent, all flights out of Turkey “canceled for today” — Wtf!! the Passengers scream, many quite oblivious of the failed coup attempt to overthrow Erdogan, postulating on what may be the reason(s) for the delay. Engineer Alexander Shevchenko is dismayed… His heart sinks. He quickly realizes that he has only two options, — one take a cab and head into the town(find a lodge) or hang around within the airport with other stranded passengers and hope for a change in fortune. Meanwhile, Alexander is concerned about his security, a fluctuating WiFi access, a crowded departure hall and zero entertainment whatsoever. The realization of a long boring wait without the basic necessities of life dawns on him.

Scenarios like this happen often but sadly with the ever growth, boom, and expansion in the global traveling industry; issues of safety, comfort, entertainment during delayed flights still remain unsolved. Airpods come up to make the waits much more enjoyable. A recent survey by shows that regular flyers are in demand of airpods.


A private capsule styled unit, designed for public places especially airports and railways. The airpod comes as a final solution to delayed passengers who need privacy, sleep and a place to work “BUT” still in a public place. The Airpod comes with a range of onboard tech ranging from Wifi to air-condition, with even privacy blinds etc. Finally, the team took out time to analyze other competitors “privacy pods”      —     with the data gotten from the extensive research and survey, airpod will be hitting the airports with privacy pods designed to meet your basic needs. Yes !!! From health to relaxation etc. Thus our Russian friend Alexander Shevchenko can feel at home in one of these airpods, Skype with his Wife and daughters via Wifi  — while keeping himself abreast of What is happening back in Aramco(Saudi Arabia). Comfort at its peak -Airpods…

Features Of The Airpod

• Free access to Amazon Fire TV
• Free High-speed Wi-Fi
• Booking via internet, IOS and Android mobile
application on the spot or in advance
• Easy to use — single control operating panel
• Power sockets
• Luggage and personal belongings storage
• Air Condition & HEPA filter (fresh air and
constant temperature)
• Flight status information
• High quality seat that can be transformed into
a bed
• Self-disinfection LED system


March 2018; Pre-sale begins
March 2018; EVENT and Press conference; Pre-production Prototype revealed (MVP)
March 2018; ICO Starts
April 2018; ICO Ends
Q2 2018; AirPod mass production infrastructure completed
Q2 2018; Production Starts; first 10 AirPods manufactured
Q3 2018; Commercial test of first 10 AirPods on UK Airports — PROOF OF CONCEPT
Q1 2019; 100 AirPods installed
Q2 2019; Introducing the DApp Platform
Q3 2019; 400 AirPods installed — Transition to 2nd Stage
Q1 2020; 500 AirPods installed / DApp open to public — 3rd Stage
Q2 2021; 1000 AirPods installed

Token Details



Plus a host of advisors and other capable hands onboard.

The team behind each profitable ICO is very important. The team are aware of the competitive nature of sleeping pod industry and have come up with measures to stay ahead of their competitors.


Experiences like that of Alexander Shevchenko will continue to happen atleast for the meantime but I do believe Airpods innovative idea will disrupt and create a better travelling experience. Not just in the airports of the western hemisphere but all around the globe. So i enjoined you all to step in, and support Airpods lets make this project a reality. Lets enjoy travelling !

Relevant Information:






BountyHive Username: Farouk


Brilliant piece of write up and very articulate, you are indeed a good writer.

I appreciate the accolades. Please i would appreciate you investing in Airpods.

Thanks for the info. Nice write up!

Nice writing ,will look this up

Straightforward article. Will do my due diligence

Thanks emmy92. If in doubt check relevant links or ask me any questions with regards to airpod ico

Great article. Thanks for the knowledge

Thanks zubbykay. Hope to see you onboard airpods

Wow! This made for an entertaining and educating read. Airpod is a great project solving an all important need in the travel industry. I look forward to seeing the sleeping pods live.

This is a very distinctive post... With an excellent intro.... Makes airpod project very fascinating

I hope it will be available in all airports

yes. the aim is to cover major airports around the world.

Nice information, I won't miss investing in this project.

Concise and educative piece

I really enjoyed reading this piece.. I was glued to the story and points made

Thanks for the insight, i love the project because of my past experiences with the Airport.

This informative, dont have money to invest now but will buy when its listed.... Hope it will be listed on big exchange