Last June/July, I went to Cuba for a 15 day tour and to travel with my long lost Australian friend. These pictures are ones I took which are focused on art of various forms which we encountered.
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native rebel leader
our guide led effort in his home town to get this iron bar relief image of rooster installed
lovers -- in square with many more sculptures like this
sculpture by famed Cuban artist Martha Jiménez
another piece by Martha Jiménez
interesting sculpture
Santiago de Cuba
Cubans love their roosters
I loved this mural (but I wished I had a rail to take image properly)
little girl shows off her leaky boot
naked bald girl with high heels and fork rides one legged rooster (I don't know)
fired clay tiles
outdoor colorful mural
copper foil sax player
gorgeous, weathered graffiti girl -- my favorite piece
baybe -- graffiti
floating sculpture
now this is real graffiti
man explains to woman that he doesn't know what he did wrong ;-)
communist view of (crony) capitalism
everyone knows Mr. Lincoln apparently
gorgeous outdoor wall art at a restaurant we didn't spend enough time at
I hope you enjoyed these travel photos. Vote me up and comment if you want to see more ;-)
All humans should practice voluntarism.