Should Uncontacted tribes Be Contacted ?
These are people that have not had any contact with the modern world Its Not the 3rd world its the 4th world its being named
As you can see from the Map below they mostly live in the Rainforst in Brazil
There is only a few thousand of them worldwide
So the question is should they be contacted and bring into the modern world ?
I dont think so as they would likely die from disease if contacted. Time and history is likely not on there site as logger and farmer move into there areas. Its only a matter of time before they contacted by someone.
That will likely end badly for them which is very sad
Its the way humans lived for thousands of years in tribes not living in houses and flats which modern day humans do which is so unnatural
It will be sad when they contacted by very likely to happen
Let me know your thoughts
After thousands of years being away from the outside word, even if we could contact them safely there may be a chance they could be hostile now knowing where we came from or what we want with them.
Yeah likely will try kill the first people they see then they will gets diseases. it happened to all similar population
I was just thinking of that picture the other day. I think we should not. We are pretty easy to find, so if they want to find us they can. Why disrupt there way of living because it is a fascinating natural way. I think we need some of that in the world..? What you think @newmarket65?
haha its a great pic Yeah living back in the natural environment would help prevent some modern day issues like mental health issues I think in the end they will all get contacted because there rainforest is getting destroyed
I know! :(
Nice information! Check my posts too
thanks will do