INDONESIA : Peak Mountain Salak Aceh North a Very Touristic Place With Family at The end Of The Year

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


The peak of Mount Salak is one of the most popular places of North Aceh Tourism at this time in the area, in addition to the cool atmosphere and very beautiful scenery. as if we were again on a cloud.

Fog in the evening cover the mountain salak, making the visitors feels as if they are enjoying sitting on the clouds.

This tourist spot is very easy to reach, located on the road ex KKA - Bener Meriah. other than that if we want to the town nickname coffee producers are also close.

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This natural destination originally known through social media, many pengwo endowed under a rainbow color umbrella, then spread widely throughout the universe.

Very pleasant when the peak of Mount Salak to be a family gathering at the weekend, in addition to the air is very cool and the view of nature also spoil the eyes of the visitors.

Before reaching the place, our eyes are spoiled with the green of the row of trees in the roadside, waawww ....... beautiful nature in place with the power of Allah SWT.


Although the visitors do not bring food supplies, there are also stalls that sell various food and beverages.

Every visitor is required to wear clothes according to Islamic Shari'a. this is my local specialty.

Let's friends stemians to take a vacation to the summit of Mount Salak for the tour at the end of the new year.



Puncak Gunung Salak merupakan salah satu tempat Wisata Aceh Utara yang sangat terpopuler disaat ini di Daerah tersebut, selain suasana sejuk dan sangat indah pemandangan nya. seakan-akan kita seakan lagi diatas awan.

Kabut menjelang malam menutupi gunung salak, membuat para pengunjung terasa seakan-akan sedang menikmati duduk diatas awan.

Tempat wisata ini sangat mudah dijangkau, letaknya di jalan Eks KKA - Bener Meriah. selain itu jika kita ingin ke kota julukan penghasil kopi juga dekat.


Destinasi alam ini awalnya dikenal melalui media sosial, banyak pengujung yang berswafoto dibawah payung warna pelangi, kemudian tersebar luas ke seluruh jagat raya.

Sangat menyenangkan bila Puncak Gunung Salak untuk dijadikan tempat berkumpul keluarga di akhir pekan, selain udaranya sangat sejuk dan pandangan alamnya pun memanjakan mata para pengunjung.

Sebelum sampai ketempat tersebut, mata kita dimanjakan dengan hijaunya perpohonan yang berderetan di pinggir jalan, waawww....... indahnya alam di tempat aku dengan kuasa ciptaan Allah SWT.


Meskipun para pengunjung tidak membawa bekal makanan, disana juga ada warung-warung yang ada menjual beraneka makanan dan minuman.

Setiap pengunjung diwajibkan harus mengunakan pakaian sesuai syariat Islam. ini lah keistimewaan daerah aku.

Mari lah para sahabat stemians untuk mengajak liburan ke Puncak Gunung Salak untuk wisata diakhir tahun baru.

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