We love to travel and collect as many places as we can. The goal for us is to collect the 3,144 counties in the United States; well try our hardest. However, we collect so much more; we are out to get as many experiences as we can.
Why not join us as we share a few of these experiences with our video today? We won't take up too much of your time.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our blog posts.
We appreciate it so very, very much!

* My posts may occasionally contain affiliated work-related links because our Cross County Travels website
and our YouTube channel are also our accounts.
* The photographs on our posts are taken with my own camera
and with Scott's help!
* Blog graphics such as various "flyers" will be cited at each occurrence.
* Clipart used are from https://www.cleanpng.com/
and/or https://pixabay.com/.
* While the Bitmoji Characters of Scott & Ren are from Bitmoji,
the compilations are my own.
* All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media accounts: OUR FACEBOOK
cross mentions are spreading the word.

We appreciate it so very, very much!

and our YouTube channel are also our accounts.
and with Scott's help!
* Clipart used are from https://www.cleanpng.com/ and/or https://pixabay.com/.
the compilations are my own.
and can also be found on my various social media accounts:
cross mentions are spreading the word.

This post was stolen from xcountytravelers 😠