Hallo, Steemian .... How are you? May be always happy and comfortable in enjoying the verses of the grace of life.
OK, this time I will share it. Kampung is synonymous with natural beauty. For that, the theme of this time is to share a portrait of scenic beauty around the village.
The story is like this, Steemian. I traveled with the people of Kampung Sukamanah to a hill beside our village. The goal, take bamboo that will be used to complete the needs to make the stage.
Stage wear bamboo?
Yeah, our village still uses traditional outdoor stage and unloading pairs. Bamboo is taken it for a stage hood. And maybe do not need to discuss the length of the stage, because what will be discussed here is about the beauty of nature.
First, I will show you the early scene when we will go to a hill. Here is the portrait below.
Taraaa ....
How cool, cool is not it? This picture was taken at around 07:06 pm. This is an early trip. Here comes the next portrait.
It's getting close to the hill we're headed. Soon, we'll show you the way to the hill. Here it is below.
Below, we are on the road in a hill. The hill we headed was named Lamping. This is it.
Well, next is the portrait when approaching the bamboo logging location. Here is the bamboo we will cut and use for the needs of the people in our village.
Well, the next portrait is the logging process.
After finished cutting, yes, we just go home, hehe this he portrait.
Bamboo is used for this. Here is the portrait.
Ok, maybe that's it for sharing this time.
Thanks ....
All are about bamboo ya Bang?
natural sekali
Iya, ini ceritain bambu saja dulu hehe
Indah sekali, Teh, sejuk
Jadi ingat kampung halamanTercium aroma keasrian alam ya Bang @mrohmat.
Iya benar sekali, Teh @etty hehe
postingan yang keren dan sangat dan asik
Terima kasih banyak :-D
Bambu punya kekuatan pada saat yg tepat sewaktu di tebang
biasanya pada saat musim kemarau baru bisa di panen
Wah, sepertinya ada filosofinya juga :-D
I so happy to