✎ The last remaining monument of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Coming to the Giza plateau and seeing the ancient pyramids is an experience unlike anything you've ever seen before.
Occupied by many great empires, It is filled with thousands of years of history and carefully guarded mysteries. If you look close enough, you will be amazed by the clues left by the advanced civilization that build these jawdropping structures.
There are many theories about its origins, the people who built it and when.
Said to be built as tombs for the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure about 4500 years ago, however most archeologists and geologists have different opinions.
The Giza plateau wasn't always a sandy desert and actually looked closer to the Amazon rainforest, so some claim the construction of the pyramids happened over 12.000 years ago due to clear signs of water erosion.
Others link the pyramids back to Atlantis or Noahs flood, built by Enoch/ Toth serving as an Ark to preserve advanced knowledge passed down to him by fallen angels in case of major catastrophies.
Whichever story is true, the most common one of them, being tombs seems unlikely.
I've heard many people complain about how the insides of the pyramids dissapointed them and is a waste of time as unlike all the other Egyptian ruins, there aren't any hyrogliephs or any other ancient artworks to be found. To me that was actually one of the most interesting aspects, as it indicates a more practical use instead of just another tomb.
For example, did you know that the pyramids line up perfectly with the Orion constellation and that they are placed in the precise geographical center of Earths landmasses? Or how the shadows of the pyramids can be used to accurately time the equinox just like a calendar so the people would know when to plant seeds and harvest their crops.
These findings indicate that the builders not only had advanced knowledge of architecture but also astronomy and topography and leaves more questions than there are answers.
Was it build by aliens, was it an ancient powerplant or a remnant of Atlantis?
Nobody knows the full story, but once you start digging, you'll feel a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbithole.
It is an absolute delight to uncover the clues left behind using modern day science and hearing all the different stories from people all over the world.
Whatever you believe, one quote holds true for everyone who visits the pyramids.
" If you come here, you will find hidden treasure... "
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
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Vlog Music - Modern Middle East Royalty Free Music - Kenton Gilchrist
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