How To Organize Retreats That Don't Suck

in #travel7 years ago

Have you ever booked a retreat that looked awesome on paper to later be bitterly disappointed?

Me too.

The last retreat I booked sounded amazing, the promise of a great outcome was well communicated and I was hooked.

I impatiently waited for the day of my departure eagerly anticipating the promise of 3 unforgettable days.

And the whole experience bombed...

The retreat was disorganized, the activities were sporadic and nothing like the agenda and the overall experience was pretty much "meh".

So, here's how to organize a retreat that sounds amazing and it is actually amazing.

  1. Make sure the place you chose is relevant to your retreat theme. For example if you are organizing a business retreat make sure there's wifi (unlike my business retreat experience where we had to use our phones to access the internet).

  2. Make sure you offer something different and life-changing. Focus on only one thing during the retreat. eg if you're a health coach focus on healthy eating only.

  3. Make sure the retreat is close to a major airport (people will opt out if they have to travel a lot).

  4. Make sure you choose the right season.

  5. Make sure that you pair up with somebody who teaches something you don't if you feel that you won't be able to fill up the retreat on your own.

  6. Make sure you keep something as a secret to include in the itinerary to surprise your clients. This will delight your participants and give them even better experience.

  7. Make sure you allow people to schedule one on one time with you so they can get more private time with you. Another income stream.

  8. Make sure you have help at your event. Best is to have a paid assistant, but if you can't afford one get someone to come for free in exchange for the help (but make sure they understand that assisting you is their primarily role not the event).

  9. Make sure you've done the numbers right s you actually make money after paying everyone, and not ending up with a free trip only.

And make sure everyone is looked after, happy and has achieved a great transformational change so they become a raving fan.


Very good tips friend.