We all have travel goals. And we want to go to different places and taking pictures. Yet we don't know what type of traveller is inside of us. Here's a brief discussion on the 9 types of travellers.
The planner is a type of traveller who is well organized about his/her travel goal. He/She thinks of a destination where he,/she will go. Then he/she plans about what to carry, what to do, what to eat. And he/she often plans on when to go there and when to leave the planned destination.
He/She also plans how many people he/she will take along with him/her. And if it's camping trip he/she plans what type of food to carry or not carry. This tyoe of traveller plans way ahead. And he/she has already set goals on his/her travel.
This type of traveller is somewhat similar to the "The Planner". However there is a difference between the two. This traveller tends to go overboard on his/her travel goals. And most often goes into panic mode when the planned activities in a trip are either not met or followed. He/she sometimes gets into situations where he/she gets into trouble.
The most common trait if this traveller is to continuously look at his/her list of activities. Sometimes he/she is the one ruining the fun in the trip. And this most often or not results in his/her travel mates doing their own thing.
Also known as the adventurous type, this type of traveller likes to try out any activity he/she can grasp when the opportunity strikes. This traveller is willing to risks in his/her trip. And is not afraid to learn new skills to make his/her trip special.
To them, taking risks in a trip completes their day. And he/she is not afraid to take on new risks in his/her trip. And for them, taking risks on a trip is getting their money's worth.
Just like " The Over Planner" this type of traveller tends to go overboard in packing. Usually he/she often carries too many things in his/her trip. One can easily distinguish them from the other travellers by the number of luggages they carry.
Although sometimes overpacking saves them from embarassing situations like when the rain starts to fall or when his/her companions are out of food. But they are the ones who are most likely to be left behind because of their over packed luggages.
Now this type of traveller is more of a "mind your own business" type. For them a trip is not complete if they don't take pictures of every beautiful scenery they can feast their eyes on. One can easily tell who they are because they w have a camera hanging from their necks.
But they don't just simply take pictures of every place they visit. They do this as means of telling a story. Especially if they have social media accounts. And they will take pictures of every breath taking and captivating scene or place they could visit.

Now this type of traveller is the most annoying of the nine. This person would rather take the easy way out of a trip. Their most common hangout places are the beach recliners, and the hotel/resort cafeteria.
They like to make the most of their time just by doing nothing. One can say that they are also as annoying as "The Over Planner". Instead of doing any fun activity they would just spend time sipping their drinks and putting lotion on their bodies.
Also known as " Hey... Wait Up Guys" traveller, this one is the third most annoying person among "The Over Planner", and "The Loafer'. This person is most commonly spotted running after his/her companions.
They are told to come at a specific time, but always wakes up late and panic packs his/her things. This is due to the fact that they have a tendency to over sleep. That is why their friends always tell them to have an alarm clock beside them.
Just like the risk taker, this travellerç loves travelling to new destinations For him/her, exploring new places is a must. They are most noted for their oversized backpacks. And often carries large amounts of cash with them.
For them going to new travel destinations is a must so that their thirst for adventure wouldn't wane. And buying souvenirs is also a must so that they can say that they have been to this or that place.
And last but not the least.
This traveller is perhap a the most common among the nine types. Once this person travels to a certain place they immediately boast it on social media. You can say is that he/she is the combined person of all the types of travellers. And when they reach their destination they post it at once.They will include in their posts the places they've been to, the adventures that they have done, and the risks that they have taken. They will also put pictures of them sitting on a recliner or on the sand. And sometimes pictures of them enjoying the delicacies of each place that they visited.
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