(1) Finally you are with an article which is worth of extreme romance. You did justice to your steemit ID today.
(2) Before calling out the nature to inspire our life, it was more of the inner soul which inspires us the most and then it radiates outside and in the process of getting radiated it whispers many beautiful words and that is evident from the picture and the way you both are holding each other's hand and I am sure the chemistry is really doing the trick for both of you. I wish both of you remain so forever.
(3) You mentioned about that fall, you mentioned about the nature and you also mentioned about that romantic street, but one thing I could notice is that romance was is being filled right from the morning and its still on and I am sure it is not going to stop even at the end of this trip. So let the "extreme romance" carry forward.......
The truth is that the way you describe it is evidence that it was a spectacular stay, in addition the photos give testimony of such a beautiful place there in the island-Pippi-Thailand and in the midst of that nature that the Creator gives us.