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RE: Surfing the roads of Western France on a longboard!

in #travel7 years ago

Whilst you were surfing in France, I was hiking in the US canyons (we just started a trip summary on our travel blog;) ). Glad to see you are back! What are your plans for the fall?


Hi @Lemouth

I checked it out. Quite a trip. We should combine, and surf these roads and landscapes on a longboard!
I am glad you could live a real adventure too. I came back totally refreshed, and am starting now to resume my usual business. Yes the Fall is arriving with the new scholar year. Your question is a good one, as it makes me reflect further than a few days ahead!

Now, I am preparing the tuition schedule for my students (most have already started school). The plan until the end of the year is to resume my teaching activities (paid lessons and Openschool), complete and publish the music projects initiated during summer, produce a new online course on Udemy (have you checked the one I produced in July. I should write about it on Steemit) and finally, optimise my house, lol (domestic tasks take me too much time! ). And of course, continue longboarding when I need some fresh air!

Sadly, I have to prioritize, I am considering giving up the patch of land I rent where I was exploring permaculture. It just required too much maintenance and took me sooo much time this year. My small backyard will have to do. As for Steemit, I will probably not be very active in the near future, just posting from time to time... unless I find a more effective way to write articles while keeping the quality at its highest (1 science article is 10-12 hours work). Any suggestions on how to do that?.

What about you? What are your plans for the next few months?

Wow... At a point there I wish that was me! What a way to wrap up the holiday. 40km you did. My house to work is about 5km. I was just imagining surfing to work on a daily basis, the positive effect that would have on our environment,curbing excessive release of CO and CO2, especially for us in developing countries if many of us do that.
Nice to have you back my friend.

Wow, what a plan! I can imagine this will indeed keep you over-busy fr the rest of the year. I have quickly checked the Udemy course, and what you point in there is exactly what is badly mastered by students entering university. Trigonometry is hard, vectors are often very obscure and I don't even talk about complex numbers. High school is not what it was anymore, at least in France.

I hope to read from you on Steem once in a while, but I understand time is the problem. The same holds for me, where usually, I post only once a week. Sometimes twice, but this is rarer. I am afraid I have no trick to share here... :/

In my case, I am currently overwhelmed by the new term at Sorbonne. I am the head of the bachelor 2 physics studies, which means I am currently registering students, checking that all courses are smoothly starting, etc... I hope to free some time to resume research in a couple of weeks. I am planning to finish 4 articles this summer, 1 being the milestone of something I started at CERN in 2013. And of course, I will travel for work: Florence (the steemstem meetup), Freiburg, Odense, Daejeong, probably Montreal, Granada, Hefei, Tokyo and Kruger are on the program. And then a Xmas break at home :D

You are quite an over active cookie too! And I was thinking I was the over busy one lol! All these travels in 3 months? wow, that's what I call active! What will you be doing in all these cities? Presenting some latest research, giving lectures?

Yes, I will try to write here from time to time. Thank you for appreciating what I write, this means a lot to me. I guess when the routine is set up with my students (a routine I am currently organizing for this term), and the music tracks mixed, mastered and published, I will go head back into some science fun, which include articles on Steemit. I will probably punctuate my blog with other fun things too.

I am still dazzled on how you manage to continue entertaining regularly the STEM community with your writings, while being involved in so many other activities. it's truly impressive.

Wow... At a point there I wish that was me! What a way to wrap up the holiday. 40km you did. My house to work is about 5km. I was just imagining surfing to work on a daily basis, the positive effect that would have on our environment,curbing excessive release of CO and CO2, especially for us in developing countries if many of us do that.
Nice to have you back my friend.

Hey hey, it's not a competition, relax! :D

Vacation competition? I am all in :D