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RE: First World Destruction of Entrepreneurship - Welfare vs. Production

in #travel8 years ago

I'll always engage. For me that's the point. I think how we help the poor differs according to the current society My core argument for wellfair is that I would rather an imperfect system than starving poor people. I recognize we will disagree on this issue.


It's tough, because I really do agree regarding starving people, but cannot agree on the course of action. The state always justifies itself, fails to be accountable and squanders resources. This isn't just a offhand broadbrush. The state is the most inefficient middleman available.
Example - how much wealth could go toward feeding the poor if the US was not constantly picking fights and blowing people up? If the same resources were used to feed the hungry, there would be no hunger in the entire world.
It's the tip of the iceberg though, as is my list above.
Thanks again. I enjoy these discussions and the opportunity to hear opposing views. Sometimes it sways me. Other times it strengthens my resolve. Regardless, it's encouraging to see your shared compassion towards those in need.