in #travel7 years ago



Well there are many ways to get around but here in Nairobi Kenya, the most preferred means of travel is via Matatu. A Matatu is a mini bus that ferries passengers from one destination to another for a fee. Kinda like buses only better.

In Kenya these mini buses are something else... a work of art on wheels. A mobile museum complete with grafitti of famous musicians, artists, politicians, sports, clubs etc depending on what is trending or what the owner feels like putting up. The better looking your matatu is the more business it will attract. People don't want to move around in tired ol' vehicles. They are looking for an experience when they travel. So you better have an awesome crew.

Ladies love these guys normally because of their bad boy appeal and quick access to cash. They are in most cases never broke just temporarily out of cash.

A matatu crew is usually comprised of a driver, a conductor who normally acts as a cashier and a tout whose work is to call people and invite them into your matatu as they are in competition for business. They usually like to gyrate on the door while the matatu is moving, quite dangerous I might add though all that contributes to the sub-plot of the whole journey.

Matatus in Kenya have graffitti on their body making them beautiful to look at. Inside they have very comfortable seats and they usually come complete with a wi-fi connection. and most importantly glaring music. It gives you that club experience while on your journey. Remember no glaring good music no customers

A journey is from start to end is usually less than a dollar more like 50pence or sthing. Anyway don't take my word for it...have a look for yourself

Told you I love you know why

Catalyst-Matatu.jpgMatatu 01.jpgMatatu 02.jpgMatatu 003.jpgMatatu night.jpg