Hi Steemit Friends, Hope you are doing great. Last time I shared my travel experience in USS Midway Museum, Kissing Statue and Seaport Village in Downtown San Diego. If you are interested, you can press here. Today, I am going to continue my San Diego trip with something different, HIKING. If you love hiking and planning to visit San Diego, remember to bookmark this post below :)
Steemit的朋友大家好,在聖地亞哥遊記Part2中,我介紹了幾個市中心有名的景點,美國海軍中途島號博物館,勝利之吻和海港村。 有興趣的朋友,可以按這裡。 今天我想繼續我的聖地亞哥之旅,不同的是,今天我想介紹一個比較特別的景點-薯片石,而這個景點需要登山才能到達。喜歡登山的朋友,記得標籤這個帖子喔 :)
Potato Chip Rock 「薯片石」
Located at the peak of Mt. Woodson summit in Poway, Potato Chip Rock is a super thin slab of rock that looks like a piece of potato chip. The hike has become a popular attraction due to the creative poses photos published by the hikers on Facebook and Instagram.
There are two different routes that you can take. The longer west side route is approximate 8 miles roundtrip dirt trail start at Lake Poway Park. The shorter east side route is approximate 4 miles shaded and paved trail, near the Hedy Drive intersection. You can choose the route suitable for your ability. We chose the shorter route this time and it takes around 3 hours excluding the photo taking time. When driving to the trailhead for the East-side route, you will know you get there by finding many cars parked along the shoulder.
岩石登山到薯片石有兩條路徑可以選擇,分別是東邊和西邊。西邊的路徑比較遠,往返大概是8英里,是佈滿沙石的石階和斜坡,坡度比較陡。而東邊比西邊路徑短一半,來回只有4英里,沿路有較多遮蔽物,都是一些人工鋪過小路,比較易走。大家可以根據自己的能力選擇適合的路徑,平時較少鍛鍊的我們選擇了東邊較短的路徑。起點是靠近Hedy Dive的交叉口,當你看到很多停泊在路邊的車輛,恭喜你,那你應該沒有搞錯西邊的路徑起點啦。
Source Here's the shorter east-side trail we chose today
If you want to know more about the driving instructions for the east and west routes, you can press here.
Once parked, we followed the signs guiding us to the trailhead. When you see this sign, you will know you are on the right path. It's located beside the trail.
As you can see, the trail is paved. This trail is easier than I expected as I have many friends said it's very tiring after the hike to potato chip rock. Maybe I can challenge myself and take the East-side trail next time~
Walking along the trail, we will find some cool rock formations.
This trail is dog friendly. How cute this Corgi is >V<
Source Breathtaking scenery from the top of the hill.
Source Surprisingly, many people are waiting in line to take a photo.
Below, I have find some creative poses that people made on this rock.

Source Look at the beautiful scenery and view.
Time for group photo. We enjoyed our hike to Potato Chip Rock.

Source I guess many people will have the question like, is it safe to stand on this think slab of rock. It's actually very secure that it can support the weight of ten people, maybe more.
Talent Time. This is the best I can do lol
We are amazed by the beauty of nature. This panoramic scenery is just epic.
Friendly Reminder:
If you consider hiking in summer, I would recommend to start early or later in the afternoon due to the hot desert climate in Poway.
Although the trail is paved, comfortable hiking shoes and long pants are recommended. You have to slide down from the rock after taking the photos so you may get scratches if you wear a short. (I definitely wear the wrong clothing and shoes.)
SourceBring plenty of water as there's no where to refill along the trail. At least 2 litre per person.
If you start late in the afternoon, it's better to check the sunset time as it begins to cool after the sun goes down
It's better put some sunscreen on to prevent sunburn.
Avoid weekend or come early in the morning to skip a long line for getting a picture on the rock.
2.比較推薦去的朋友穿著舒適的登山鞋和長褲。 拍攝照片後,大家都是走這條石頭縫坐在上面慢慢滑下來,穿長褲可以避免刮傷。 (我絕對穿錯了衣服和鞋子。)
3.沿路並沒有商店或飲水機,所以帶足夠的水是很重要的。 建議每人至少2升的水。
Read the Latest Travel with Kris series:
Travel with Kris to the United States #4 -San Diego Part 1 美國聖地亞哥遊記 Part1
Travel with Kris to the United States #5 -San Diego Part 2 美國聖地亞哥遊記 Part2
Whenever I see that Potato Chip I am hoping it does not break under you guys! Great post!
o哥,這是新玩法嗎? LOL
que buena fotos , me gustaron mu cho y se ven muy contentos, que alegria los felicitos , gran post
Muy buen post !!! Saludos desde Argentina! 👍🏻
Potato Chip Rock...wow thats must be fun to stand there...looks really cool
To be honest, it's quite scary lol but I still had fun enjoying the breathtaking view from the top :)
So so so so so breathtaking playing there! And gorgeous view of the landscape from the hilltop, must be a nice trip :D
Yes, the view is breathtaking:P
i wouldn't stand on that rock,, no one knows when it might break...
It seems secure enough, but if it happened to break off, at most you would only fall one and a half stories.
hahaha.. two and half stories sounds more then enough for me to worry about..
but still i wish i am an adventurer i feel like i am missing all the fun of life.. but just it's not easy to change that..
It's actually one and a half..lol Does it sound better :P
i don't know why i read it two and half, and yeah it sounds better, since i am 6.4 ,,, so it's almost like falling down for me..
看着好有感觉 顺便问一下用的什么拼图软件?😳
謝謝:P 我是用 Inshot, 你可以在app store找到
That rock structure is interesting, but the background view...wow! Looks like a fun hike for sure.
The view from the top is awesome, don't miss this place if you travel in San Diego :P
拱橋超有型 👍
謝謝 lol
Thank you:)
我完全只注意到下腰啊!!! LOL
哈哈,我只會下腰 lol
可惜我連下腰都還不會啊 LOL
Upvoted and RESTEEMED!
Thank you~
so beautiful!
Bring us there next time :D
haha, sure :)
是滿high的,雖然一開始有點害怕 lol
The last time I shared my travel experience at the USS Midway Museum, Kissing Statue I really like your article and Seaport Village in Downtown San Diego traveling San Diego with something different,
Lol! awesome photos, its a boy. Good hike. I would like to be there
Coyote also visited the potato chip rock ;p