Hi Steemit friends, how are you doing today? Last time I shared Santa Monica and Griffith Observatory with you, I am glad that many of you like it and left a comment on my post. Today I am going to continue my US travel experience with San Diego, a city approximate 120 miles south of Los Angeles. It takes around 3 hours driving from Los Angeles and it's a perfect spot for weekend getaway if you live in Los Angles. San Diego is widely known as" America's Finest City" with amazing weather and beautiful beaches.
Steemit的朋友大家好。 上次跟大家分享了Santa Monica和Griffith天文館,很多朋友留言說很喜歡Santa Monica的户外購物區和Griffith天文館的夜景,謝謝大家的留言和Upvote,讓我有寫下去的動力。 今天想跟大家分享我在聖地亞哥的經歷。聖地亞哥位於洛杉磯以南約120英里。 從洛杉磯開車約需3個小時,如果您住在洛杉磯,聖地亞哥是周末度假的理想地點喔。 聖地亞哥被譽為“美國最美麗的城市”,擁有氣候溫和美麗的海港。
1. Little Italy Mercato Farmers' Market 週六Little Italy Mercato市集
Attending a weekly pop-up open-air Farmer's Market is my favourite activity in San Diego as a foodie, so I would like to start my trip with Little Italy Farmer's Market today. There are different locations and schedules for San Diego's Farmers Markets. So if you are interested in visiting, it's better plan beforehand and check the schedule and location. Everyone has their own opinion on which is the best, but Little Italy Mercato is my favourite among them. It's the biggest with over 200 tents. The options are endless, you can sample the fruits grown by the local farmers and tasty treats by the local bakers in the farmers market. As a beautiful beachfront city, you can always found the freshest seafood in this market. I am a big fan of sea urchins and oysters, the taste of the just-caught sea urchin is unforgettable. Very buttery. Farmer's market is very enjoyable that you can listening to live music while strolling through these colourful booths.
作為一個食貨,逛週六的市集是我在聖地亞哥最喜歡的節目,所以我決定要從逛Farmers Market開始今天的旅程。溫馨提示:聖地亞哥的Farmers Market有不同的時間表,週一到週日,每天擺放的地點和時間都不一樣,所以想去的朋友出發前先查一下時間表,以免食閉門羹喔。週六這個Farmers Market是所有Farmer market中最大型的,也是我最喜歡的,二百多個攤位,讓人目不暇給。由新鮮的瓜菜水果到特色小食,新鮮海產,手工藝品,各種各樣的攤位都可以在這𥚃找到。和我一樣喜歡吃海鮮的朋友,千萬別錯過即開生蠔和海膽,很鮮甜美味。10元美金就可以品嚐原隻的新鮮海膽,真的很棒><逛Farmers Market給我的感覺更像參加户外派對,一邊聽著街頭藝人的表演,享受著當地美味的食物和加州美好的太陽。
There are many tent vendors on the sidewalk with variety food, drinks, fresh produce, arts and crafts.
These are the food I bought, oysters, crepe, pizza and sea urchin.
Visitors can see the whole process in making this delicious crepe.
You can sample some fresh-from-farm oranges and grapefruits from regional farmers.
I ordered a mango lychee lemonade, it is very refreshing. I saw some people order the chilli lemonade, I wonder how does it taste like, sweet and chilli? LOLLL That sounds weird to me..
Chilli Mango Lemonade. Do you wanna have a try?
Some children are performing, they are so talented.
有些小朋友在現場演奏小提琴和大提琴,為Farmer market增添了藝術的氣氛
2. Hotel del Coronado 科羅納多酒店
Driving 5 miles from downtown, we get to the Hotel del Coronado. Hotel del Coronado, is a national historic oceanfront hotel opened in 1886. This all-wood stunning architecture is in Victorian style, that is rarely found in the US, and it was named a National Historic Landmark in 1977. As the county's grandest seaside resort, it has attracted presidents, royalty and celebrities to spend their vacations throughout the history. Occupied with 28 acres of the beachfront property at Coronado beach, it provides a nice opening view of pacific ocean. By many, it considered as the best hotel in San Diego, especially for those looking for a beach or family vacations.
從市中心行駛5英里,我們到達下一個目的地,科羅納多酒店。 科羅納多酒店於1885年開業,是一座歷史悠久的海濱渡假酒店。維多利亞風格的全木建築在美國少數僅存,科羅納多酒店是全美國第二大木結構建築,更於1977年被評為國家歷史名勝,在美國的建築史上有著重要地位。作為該縣最大的海濱度假勝地,開業以來吸引了不少名人,皇室和總統到訪住宿。科羅納多建於科羅納多酒店海灘旁,全木建築的紅色屋頂白色牆面擁有濃郁的西班牙風情,據說這間酒店是全手工搭建而成,搭頂的屋頂沒有使用任何一根鐵釘。很多美國人都說這是全聖地亞哥最好的酒店,有著美麗的海灘,很適合和家人和情人渡假。

A scenic viewpoint of Hotel del Coronado.
The signature red tile roof.
Other than swimming in this enormous swimming pool, there are abundant fun activities and luxurious amenities provided to the guests.
People are having party by the beach.
The long walk on the beach and the blue sky are perfect for vacation.
今天的天氣很好, 曬著暖暖的陽光,吹著徐徐的海風。
I found a sand castle on the beach. This is so fancy.
3. Balboa Park 巴博雅公園
With more than 17 museums, eight major gardens and a San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park is a place where culture and nature collide. It's the nation's largest urban cultural park. Different architectural style can be found in this park, from Spanish Colonial Revival to mid-century Modern. I was overwhelmed by a vast range of the museums, from history to culture, art to photography, train to automobiles, etc. It takes more than one day to see and enjoy it all. You can buy a 1-day balboa Park Explorer Pass that provides admission to 17 museums for USD$46. As we don't have enough time to visit all the museums, we just walk around in the park.
巴博雅公園是全國最大的城市文化公園,也是美國植物最美的都市公園之一。園區廣達1200英畝,擁有17個博物館,8個主要花園和聖地亞哥動物園。博物館的展覽提材廣泛,從歷史到文化,人類,藝術,攝影,飛行,汽車等,如果喜歡逛博物館的朋友,不要錯過巴博雅公園喔。從這個公園可以看到不同的建築風格,從西班牙殖民複興到中世紀現代都可以在這裡找到。如果大家打算探索這17個博物館,我建議大家買園區$46美元通行證,因為逐一付費會貴很多。不過今天我們沒有足夠的時間,所以只是逛逛花園和欣賞園區的建築物, 也用了差不多3個小時。
On the left we have California Tower, often used as a icon of Balboa Park. It offers a panoramic view of San Diego. On the right we have San Diego Museum of Man.
這是免費的紅色遊園車balboa tram,每30分鐘一班,開車時間為8:30am-6:00pm。
House of Charm
Alcazar Garden.
Here's the entrance of San Diego Museum of Man.
Here is the Spreckels Organ Pavilion which has the largest outdoor pipe organ in the world. Unfortunately, it closed on the day we visit.
Love the details on this stunning pavilion in Italian-Renaissance style.
I visited this place with my family. We are all impressed by the beauty of the architectures and nature.
Walking to the Plaza de Panama, you will see a giant bronze statue of a man riding a house. The sculpture above is call El Cid Statue, a Castilian military leader in medieval Spain.
走到Plaza de Panama,你會看到這個大型的銅像,上面的雕塑是中世紀西班牙的軍事領袖El Cid。
A child playing besides Bea Evanson Foutain in the park.
這是西班牙式建築的噴泉稱Bea Evenson Fountain,這天剛好這位可愛的小朋友在噴泉旁玩水被我拍下來了。
Hope you enjoy this post today!
"These are the food I bought, oysters, crepe, pizza and sea urchin"
:-D :-D :-D . You definitely have a very special taste!! So how did sea urchin taste, can you describe it?
Oh... you haven't tried sea urchin before? It's also call uni, normally you can order it in Japanese restaurants. It is tasting like the ocean (not fishy) with a creamy texture.
we have them in Florida,but never thought about eating one
did you eat just one sea urchin?
was it fresh or they've put something in it?
I cant take both oyster and sea urchin fresh - i've tried them before and just a small piece of each really makes my stomach turn upside down
interesting post though
To be honest, I ate two🙈 It's very fresh as they open it right in front of you. They didn't add anything to it. You can order other seafood and ask them grill for you if you don't like raw seafood.
wow! 2? it must be yum for you to eat 2!
but then its fresh so I wonder if it actually taste the same as to what I had - must be better
Very wealthy post, do I have to learn chineese ?
Thank you for your comment
Wow! So beautiful! And youre so pretty too! 😘 I love farmer markets! They have such good and fresh stuff. And I wish I had this big pool in my backyard. Reminds me a little of infinity pools. Keep on shinning gorgeous! ❤ Enjoy the rest of your trip xoxo
i admire your effort of making the post in two languages.
Thank you :)
Nice :)
Thank you :P
San Diego looks amazing. Love the food as well :)
Thank you. I love San Diego too:)
I like these places, hope that I'm with you 🌷
I wish you were there with me.
Me too
Meep. Oh...I mean me too
nice post , thanks for your sharing !
Thank you, glad that you like it :)
This post is great how i wish i can go to on vacation right now
Thank you~ San Diego is a great place for vacation~
Nice post! I haven't visited San Diego, and I'm adding it to my list. I'm learning, please follow me, @evyarts Hope I can continue learning from your adventures.
Thank you for your comment. Followed :)
The culture, structure and the dish show that America is a melting pot of all races. You have show the world the true united race.
I definitely agree with you, you can find China town, Korean town and Japan town in the large city like LA and SF.
the sea urchin looks really yummy
yes,it tastes really good><
哈哈,對呀,其他地方很少見到,San Diego的即開海膽是我食過最鮮甜的🙈
Visiting a Farmer's market is always lots of fun!
I agree☺️
Those pictures and your trip are wonderful! San Diego was a beautiful city before, but since you've been there, it's even prettier.
Thank you ☺️
謝謝 :)
Thanks for sharing.
RensGreat post @krischy I want to go there one day, you made me excited!
haha, it's a great place for travel ~
Spreckels Organ Pavilion, wow!
Great article!
天氣好好喔~東西看起來都好好食! T。T
哈哈, 看來你也是吃貨:P
I have friends who lives in San Diego and they always tell me how nice this border town is. And now you're showing your vacation to San Diego with so many good pictures to show and food to try! It really makes me wanna visit there soon. Thank you.
awsome story and pics
Thank you :)
可惜今次我們沒有時間到San Diego,希望下次有機會來。
Great place, great photos and great girl :P From 1 to 10, how much do you like SD?
Thank you, I would say 7 :P I love LA more ~~
Why are you so pretty hehe
Thank you, pretty Swag~
see urchin? Please tell me how that tasted. :) So curious. Enjoyed your post. :)
It's nice to see the place I'll never visit. If you choose to follow me, you will be able to meet my country. I invite you to visit her once. Greetings from Croatia!
So Cool and realistic review
Hey :) hope you enjoyed my hometown. Did you get a chance to try the Mexican food? upvoted--->followed
You are doing good
Now Chinese and other people can understand
Nice effort !
wow beautiful place
San Diego is one of my favorite American cities. If you have a chance, try crossing south into Tijuana Mexico for a day trip - only 20 miles or so from downtown San Diego.
Great blogpost.... Thanks for sharing.😉
Yo, the pics are really awesome man! Keep up the good work! and do check on my latest post on a famous festival of lights
in India https://steemit.com/travel/@alexkoshy/diwali-festival-of-lights-why-tour-india-ix
Hhmm...looks like its a great and fun place....i would love to taste their food someday...good post @krischy
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I was in Santa Monica a few days go, and enjoyed it very much. Today in Huntington Beech they are having the U S Open surfing finals, it is packed with people. I saw them competing a few days ago, but back in Florida now. We have driven the entire hwy 1 from Portland on down , what a trip, thank you for posting this
Nice post.