My EPIC Journey to and through Ecuador 🇪🇨! Part 14 (The Beach in Manglar Alto)

in #travel8 years ago

After seeing Kilis' house he wanted to show us the beach

the house is even closer to the beach then the hostel in Olon is

we climbed the the rock wall barrier

& there is was again, the Ocean

it never gets old

of course the girls were adventureing

Qiqi looked so beautiful and stylish as she hopped from rock to rock

She is so fun to photograph

always stunningly beautiful

with all of her cute faces

I absolutely love this photo of Qiqi with @quinneaker standing in the background parallel to her

To be continued...


So is this a good place to expatriate?

So far from what I have experienced here I think it's the perfect place. But I have been living a very unconventional lifestyle for the past 2.5 years. It wouldn't be perfect for everyone. It really depends on your preferences and requirements.
Like in the US hot water is a requirement. Here in Ecuador it's somewhat rare.

Community? Access to Medical facilities? I'd love to hear in depth the pros and cons for someone who has some medical issues. Your photos are beautiful.

Medical care seems to be the main concern for a lot of people when I tell them about our lifestyle and my response to that is:
We live such a preventative and holistic lifestyle that we have yet to experience a single person with some type of serious illness or disease in our community. Of course there has been the occasional cold or flu but nothing you cant solve by fasting, using medical herbs/plants, or of course our most useful colonial silver. We are all very careful, conscious and aware so accidents are very few and fare between and have never experienced any major accidents. I've lived at the GOE for almost 3 years and there hasnt been a single incident were somebody needed a doctor or a hospital. I avoid doctors and hospitals at all costs.
Thanks for asking!! 💚