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RE: Day 12 - Team Beck heads home to South Africa, and Kiligirl reveals a second alter ego

in #travel7 years ago


Always asking the tough questions! I should ask where you hide yours - I'll bet it's in the same place. Since it's made of superhero costume material, it folds down to nothing, but what lady superhero doesn't carry a purse, I ask you? And don't the menfolk just always wonder what we have in there? 😉 Geez, I wish I was a shapeshifter. I'd shift some of my shape off me. This business of hitting your fifties isn't for sissies, and I'm halfway through it already! 😱 I get my fair share of inspiration from you too, seeing how you pick up every day and just do it. You're a strong woman and I admire you 😊😊

I am SO looking forward to those photos of the ce-ment pond! Black gold, Texas tea....

Oooo, the butterfly book - it's called Flight Behavior. It's not her best, IMHO, but I always enjoy the way she writes, weaving characters' stories together and tapping into their voices...and I always learn something from her books. My favourite is still Prodigal Summer, but I enjoyed The Lacuna as well. Everyone thinks I should love The Poisonwood Bible since it's about Africa, but the main character was so hateful I struggled with it. I guess that makes it a good challenging book. Her ability to write in (I can't remember how many) multiple voices in that book was simply extraordinary. Looking on this site,, I see some other titles which might interest you as well. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle sounds like Ellie Mae and the rest of the Clampetts! 😊😊


Dear Friend Kiligirl, my cape is invisible. Thank goodness it has all of the hidden devices I require i.e. GPS, speed control, sound and visual control. It is like driving a car with an adjustable seat that conforms to each driver. These days I use it more frequently than I used to. It was handed down through the Clampett family before we moved to Beverly Hills. Granny came up with the idea and her Mother delivered the product. Maybe we should sell steemit capes to go with the steemit chicken totes. Lol!

Cement Pond may show up today. Keep an eye out later on.

Looked at the books you referenced. More than one looks interesting. Right now I am back logged with plantings, steem, the van and our new little tiny house project. I actually thought you meant a picture book of butterfly's like lithographs. Thank you for your suggestion.

About getting older..... . Let's just say it is more difficult than I had anticipated. My Father used to say something like, but I still have so much left to do.
Maybe we just try to cram more into each day as time goes on.

Got a feeling your days are similar. Sometimes more goes on in my head than in person. Much Love from Ellie Mae🐓🐓

Your cape sounds like mine! Mine also has automatic mood control so I don't accidentally kill anyone if you do something blindly stupid. Love how you describe yours. Handed down through the Clampett family 🤠🤣There's a post in there, methinks, maybe with some artwork from your talented friends....

Flight Behaviour isn't too long a read - the others could take a really long time.

On getting older - let's not, and say we did.

I have a feeling our days are similar indeed, except you've got the girls to take care of and it sounds like they're really appreciating your TLC. Much love from

See blog for cement pond! 🐓🐓