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RE: Day 5 - Team Beck moves from Paris to Pas-de-Calais in the north of France and nobody dies

in #travel8 years ago

Lol, Ellie Mae, trust you to focus on the pastries while the wind and rain are howling around you! I would have put in more photos of the pastries and the shop itself, but am still waiting for our photographer in chief and Selfie Khaleesi to hurry the heck up and upload her photos from her camera (I have the photos from her cell phone and Tim's camera, but she took a lot on her camera). The shop had the most beautiful ceiling and I was looking forward to including it in the post. Oh well - perhaps a cleanup post at the end of the series! She has some great stuff from Amsterdam so the upload simply has to happen.

We had a great Steem Saturday yesterday. Some insights into the Steem blockchain which I still need to process - the big news came from Steemit's VP Marketing, Mitchell Loureiro. He outlined Steemit's biggest challenges - the user interface (bleah), scalability and adoption - and he announced they're going to announce Smart Media Tokens which will allow for the issue of dedicated coins. This could be helpful for one of my businesses! It makes the coin part ready, but the marketing and fundraising is still hard work. Something I'm used to!

Thinking of you, Floridians and Caribbean residents! Irma and Jose look terrifying.

Lots of love from down here 😊😊😊😊😘😘


No hurricane can remove the desire for lovely pastries. Sorry. Priorities !

Regarding steemit, we are getting bombarded with so many updates everyday it is difficult both to keep up and to comprehend. I am glad for you that the changes being made will benefit your business model. User interface still needs some work but, I think that is a constant with so many jumping on right now.

Getting the first of the rain bands already. Which is what woke me up to your reply.

Made a reference to the song from "Green Acres " yesterday in a reply. I had to laugh because she took it seriously in a good way. Youth!

This is keeping me going right now so I don't concentrate on the what if's that could happen. Talk soon. Love Ellie Mae 🐓🐓

Love your priorities!

On the Steemit changes, they did livestream yesterdays proceedings so I assume the talks are available to all Steemians. I Resteemed @sportspodium's post about it yesterday which I think contains the link. Hopefully there'll be some good summary posts coming out in the next couple of days.

The young'un took you seriously on a Green Acres reference? That's hysterical, and kinda sweet.

Safe and happy hunkering, my friend 😊😊