Wow great photos from across Canada @lyndsaybowes , I grew up traveling and living all across Canada , my teens we ended up staying in British Columbia Canada , although I did travel back to Ontario a few times since then . Im actually now living not too far from Hope , in Kelowna B.C. ! And have also been to most of thethose places you showed in B.C ! Its a fabulous and beautiful Country with many nationalities ! I love it here and im a very proud Canadian ! Thanks for sharing , upped and resteemed !!👍👍👍
Awesome! I love the Okanagan :) It's soooo beautiful there with all of the fruit trees and vineyards...oooh and the lakes...and sea monsters haha!
I was born and raised in PG, so spent a lot of time getting away from there as a youth, BC has so many beautiful parts, I love the lower mainland and island, it's just too cramped and crowded for our liking so we tried the East Coast, and love it here, there's hardly any people! Nova Scotia's population for the whole province is only 1 million people :)
So glad to hear you have been to the Okanagan I moved here from Coquitlam by Vancouver about 12 years ago , and am hoping to get my little house built on a piece of property about an hour from here up in the mountains near a very small town called Beaverdell its south on hwy 33 towards Osoyoos , past the Big White ski resort turn off ! Cant wait to move out there in the country , its beautiful there ! But when we first moved out here it was to P.G town haha ! I was/about 12 years old I lived there in Prince George for many years , my first son now 30 was born there ! Haha , my mom originally worked out at the Baldy Hugh's military Station before it shut down and she transfered to Chilliwack ! Small world , its been very nic to have met you here on steemit !!👍👍👍
Wowwww...that is amazing!! I do know where Beaverdell is! Been there a couple times, it was a pretty wild party hahaha, us rednecks know how to git er done!
How cool that your son was born in PG, and couldn't wait to get out of there either I bet, whew that smell....!!! My dad worked in the pulp mill, you know the saying "That's the smell of MONEY".... LOL!!!
haha my step dad also worked at the mill over 30 years , they have all passed on now meaning my mom, dad and step dad ... But your so right , LOL we definitely do know how to have bon fires and party in Beaverdell ! My boyfriend who I am still with for 11 years now still is there and finished putting up our power shack this summer , will start building in the spring . Its actually in Carmi 10 minutes before Beaverdell in princess hills . I just stay in town and split a apartment with my 2 sons as its so expensive to live here ! That waye I don't need to commute and hour back forth for work as a night shift security guard . Soon I will retire out there , and party on LOL! 😂😂😂👍👍👍
Wow, I'm so sorry to read that you have lost so many of your Elders :'(
And your right about smell in P.G !! LOL you cant tell when live there but if you come in from out of town you can sure smell it !! LOL!😂
Yes, or when you fly somewhere from PG....and you get to your destination...and open up your suitcase....!!
Haha very true !! 😂👍