Staying safe while travelling the world

in #travel7 years ago


One of the biggest worries for first-time traveler is keeping your belongings and yourself safe while on holiday. Horror stories of pick-pockets, stolen passports, and hi-jacking float around in your brain, especially when you’ve never traveled somewhere before. Here are a few tips as to how you can stay safe while you explore new places.

Keep your suitcase locked

From the moment you put your suitcase onto the check-in conveyor belt, your suitcase should be locked to prevent baggage-handlers and other airport employees from going through your belongings. As ridiculous as it sounds, suitcases are often broken into and their contents searched for valuables while you’re waiting for your flight.
Having a lock for your luggage will also come in handy at your accommodation – if you’re in a hostel, you can keep your belongings private for your new roommates, and if you’re at a hotel, this will stop hotel staff from getting into your bag. This way you can keep extra cash, electronics and your travel documents safe without having to carry them with you.


Another preventative measure is having your bag wrapped – this is a service offered at many airports. No only does it prevent theft, but it also protects your bag from damage and makes it easier to spot when collecting your luggage.


Never loose sight of your bag

Theft happens in the blink of an eye, literally. A few seconds is all it takes for someone to grab and get away with your belongings and often you won’t even notice until it’s too late. It’s so important to never leave your bag unattended. If you have to leave your bag for some reason, make sure someone you trust is watching it or put it in a place where no one can get to it.

Get the right kind of luggage

A new suitcase can be quite pricey but maybe think twice before using an old and broken bag on your travels. Your bag is the barrier between your possessions and the outside world. Make sure your bag doesn’t have holes or broken zips as this is asking to have your belongings lost/stolen.

If you can’t afford to buy a new suitcase, borrow one from a friend or family member – you can always thank them buy picking them up a thank you gift on your journey.

Get a backpack

Sometimes, your handbag/wallet/purse just won’t do it. A backpack allows you to carry more things with you and it’s more difficult for others to get into. A great backpack for travel are those with ‘secret’ zips so pick-pocketers will struggle to open zips without you noticing. They can be quite pricey, but you can often find bargains online.


Keep some emergency items on-hand

Having a mini backup stash is always a good idea. Even when you plan ahead, things can go wrong. So, having some emergency items on your person will help in case something goes wrong. Things like cash, the number and address of your accommodation, and some form of identification (not your passport) are small enough to keep in a pocket on your person in case of an emergency.


Always be aware of your surrounding

Common sense is your best friend. Don’t go off with strange people, don’t go somewhere you feel unsafe, make sure someone knows where you are. As simple as it sounds, you can get swept up in the moment and forget to listen to your gut feel. You’re there to experience new things and have a good time, but don’t forget to keep an eye out for anything that might be wrong. At the end of the day, listen to your gut and stay safe while you’re having fun.


i alwys try to have some cash on two or three diferrent places when travelling, so i dont loose everything in the case of a robbery or loss.