6 year world traveler here. One of my top lifehacks as a traveler is coconuts
Coconuts are my number one diet hack because they are economic, simple, social, nutritious, delicious, and fun:You can replace one of your meals a day with a coconut that is going to cost you about one dollar. I’ve eaten thousands of coconuts over the years while living in Latin America — South America — North America and Europe. Interestingly coconuts cost about the same all over the world, you would think the price of coconuts would vary significantly as you got further away from the tropics but even in Eastern Europe, during the winter time I could easily find coconuts for about a dollar. I always try to buy my coconuts from the fancy, organic grocery store in town, since I assume they are a higher quality supply and they still always cost just about a dollar. Nobody reading this can use the excuse; that they can’t afford to eat healthy!Coconuts consist of very dense fat; now you probably remember from your nutrition education that there is good fat and there is bad fat, coconut meat is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids, which is the good kind. You body doesn’t store it as fat, your body burns it immediately for energy and it doesn’t raise your cholesterol.
Hey thanks @jroseland. I will be buying coconuts this trip now!