We’d love to – my husband, who is much younger than all his other five siblings, desperately misses his two aging brothers who live in Köln. Even if we could somehow afford it, travel is difficult and probably unwise for my Iranian-American husband (who is a naturalized US citizen) and our son, who is by default also Iranian-American even though he was born in the States (because Iran automatically confers citizenship upon any children of native-born Iranians). That whole dual citizen visa-waiver exclusion mess is bad enough, but the ongoing travel ban court struggles makes it conceivable that if we did travel out of the States, my husband might be denied reentry because he visited his family in Iran within that five year window.
We’d love to – my husband, who is much younger than all his other five siblings, desperately misses his two aging brothers who live in Köln. Even if we could somehow afford it, travel is difficult and probably unwise for my Iranian-American husband (who is a naturalized US citizen) and our son, who is by default also Iranian-American even though he was born in the States (because Iran automatically confers citizenship upon any children of native-born Iranians). That whole dual citizen visa-waiver exclusion mess is bad enough, but the ongoing travel ban court struggles makes it conceivable that if we did travel out of the States, my husband might be denied reentry because he visited his family in Iran within that five year window.