Showing Virtual Reality to a Jamaican rasta with Google Cardboard

in #travel9 years ago (edited)

I was in Jamaica last fall teaching music to kids of a local village. I brought along a Google Cardboard just because I like showing basic VR apps to people--needless to say, in a place where most people don't have more than a cheap smartphone, the Cardboard was a hit. Here's my Rasta buddy freaking out in "Paris:"

Despite what you may think from the Patois/English blend, the true rastas are super fucking clever, intelligent, and insightful (well, most Jamaicans are--I'd like to believe the rasta thing just accentuates it). I learned a lot from this guy about being myself, getting past the fear of being unique in a foreign place, and just trusting people (on the inside & out).

Meanwhile in the classroom, here are some of the kids' reactions to the cardboard:

A little more about my time in Jamaica: It was a life-changing experience, and I was only there 4 weeks. I was teaching music to primary school kids and having them write an album (and we made one!). I'm trying to return there at least once per year to keep the momentum alive: the next step is to help them record their own basic songs and tell stories using social media apps. We take it for granted in places like the USA, how simple it is just to record an idea we have.

For anyone interested in truly checking out Jamaica, I highly recommend integrating yourself into a local community with HelpX or Workaway. You'll have much more of a genuine time. You can see some videos from my YouTube channel to get an idea of what it was like for me--it's not always easy, and there's definitely a lot that can make you paranoid, but once you get past your own fear there's only joy on the other side.

Peace and love!

oh and since it's actually kind of fun, for those interested here's a video of me buying weed in Jamaica: