Moving to Panama & Writing on Steemit - What's the Common Denominator?

in #travel7 years ago



It was 11PM and we were sitting at the bus terminal. I didn't bring my jacket for this bus ride, but I really should have. It would get pretty chilly on the bus that night. We boarded the bus and headed west into the night. When we finally made it to David, Panama, we were all pretty tired still, but ready for some breakfast.

We would spend the extended weekend in Boquete with family and explore the great coffee Panama has to offer. The Palo Alto region had crispy, fresh air. This is what I was looking for.

Moving to Panama was about 2 years in the making. It turned from an idea to a reality, with most people not thinking we would really do it. But why Panama?

Well first of all, half of my wife's family is here. So, we wanted to get to know them. I've always wanted to learn Spanish, so it would be a great opportunity. Although until now, I have slacked a little bit... lol I'm also attending University here with a degree program I am interested in.


I just started writing here on Steemit. It has been a fun experience. I've had a website called for a few years and have a blog there. But I felt too restricted with the content I would create there. I felt it had to be thought-provoking and inspirational. I guess I put too much pressure on myself lol.

Here on Steem, I feel I can freely write what's on my mind. Fun stuff, stories, whatever I want. I also just wrote a Travel Guide called Mastering the Fundamentals of Travel with a book in the works. My plan is to refine my writing skills here on Steemit and make the next book the best it can be. Each post I will practice a specific writing techniques. Plus writing here is fun and I can make a little bit of crypto! Who can argue with that?!

What's The Point?

Nearly every activity I do has multiple purposes. I do this because you never know what will happen. For instance, here on Steemit, I may make some serious crypto if I create great content and people notice it. However, I may not. But I'll still be winning because I'm also honing my writing skills and making good friends along the way.

Same thing with moving to Panama. Multiple reasons. Learning Spanish (albeit and getting to know family, who could pass that up?!

It's not about being highly efficient, but rather very intentional with how you spend your time. Your time is valuable, you never know what will happen. If your plans in one aspect of your goals "fails" then you still win because you had ways to do so.

Set yourself up for the best chances of winning in life. Have intention.

Am I saying you should act in this manner for everything you do? Nope, but a majority of your actions can follow this way of thinking with great success.

Looking back, have you done something similar to this? Do you do this regularly?


I am glad you guys made it down here. This country rocks! It is not perfect but the more great people that move here the better it will be. Resteemed

Hey Randy, what's the draw to Panama vs Puerto Rico? People seem to be swarming to PR for the tax reasons, but what about Panama?

No hurricanes? Not an island, so escape is easier for natural disasters? It's a long list... I've looked at both extensively. PR is for people who still want to go back and forth. They are not really leaving for good. It's a good compromise in that regard. When my family leaves though, we are never coming back.

Thanks for the tips @finnian! Those are some good points you bring up.

Panama has been nothing but great to us! I'm really enjoying the warmer weather right now! It's refreshing and inspiring to be surrounded by people that are doing amazing things.

@hilarski Thanks for setting such a great way to live and giving back to the community!

Did you know what kind of idea our last meeting in Lisbon was creating in my little brain?

Need to come to Panama for a visit soon

@increasefreedom, I see Panama is attracting lots of great people! You'll definitely get a kick out of this community. It's got tons of layers so knowing @hilarski... That's a really great start! He knows his stuff. Also, look up @apanamamama, she and her husband are amazing peeps.

Yeah it seems there's a great community down here! Many fun and motivated people! I just followed @apanamamama and will follow you as well!

I'm open to advice and wish you the best of luck!

That's great! Look forward to learning more about you!

Great read, Very happy @hilarski resteemed it. Now I'm a happy follower of you too. I myself just past my 11 year mark of my 4 month vacation to Panama. LOL Semana Santa is our 11 Aniversary of meeting my wife Johana now married 10 years.
What part of Panama do you hang your hat in? maybe we can get together sometime? I would like to put a interior meetup together some day. I live near Ocu and my wife's family is in the Santiago area.
Welcome to steemit
Now off to read:

That's great! 11 years is a good while! I could definetly learn a thing or two from you! We are in Panama City at the moment, we have family here. We'll be swinging by Santiago on Friday morning for breakfast on our way to Boquete.

Let me know if you plan a meetup or something like that!

Talking about Increasing Freedom, moving to Panama will prove to be a huge step in that direction. Enjoy this next chapter and have fun!!

Much appreciated! Just started a new chapter and trying to live it the best I can! Best of luck to you!

Cool story ! I think the best way to use our limited time is to create as much value as possible for the X amount of time. So what you are doing is the best case scenario. Also I think this is the concept of Steemit in general. Make money, while you are doing something you love !

Welcome to Steemit ! Good luck with spanish :)

Totally agree! Either way, we can't lose! Appreciate the support! Wish you the best of luck!

Great that you moved to Panama! Have fun exploring it and learning Spanish! And also enjoy Steemit 😎

Absolutely! It's been quite the adventure exploring this small, yet connected country! It's very diverse, from the mountains near Boquete to the beaches in the Caribbean to the hustle and bustle of the city. Grateful to have the opportunity!

Best wishes man hope you enjoy your time there

We'll do our best to make the most of it! Thanks!

@increasefreedom good post upvoted and resteemed. Be persistent in hoing your writing skills, use the 80/20 rule our friend @hilarski shared and Boom win-win

Absolutely! The 80/20 rule is near and dear to my heart! Let's win together!

Good luck in Panama! And I like your advice on multiple purposes. Seems like a good rule to have in life. Keep it real!

Gots to keep it real! Wish you the best and lets continue to connect!

Rock on @increasefreedom ! It’s great to have friends around who are crushing it, so I can learn from them! Awesome post!

Absolutely man! Just building each other up and crushing it! Cheers!

It was great meeting you @increasefreedom. Welcome to Panama!

You as well! Glad to be part of the Panama Family!

Nice! So glad to be tagged on here so I can start following you! Panama is a lot of fun! So you're in Boquete? We're next door in Volcan and we love it here. I actually rarely head to Boquete but I'm going this week with some friends. Moving here is definitely an interesting adventure. Congrats on taking a big step!

Actually we live in Panama City, but we are visiting Boquete this weekend! Will be there from Friday to Sunday! Do you go to the top of Volcan Baru? Won't be able to make it to the top this trip, but next time I will.

Welcome to Panama and enjoy the ride that the country accords you!!

Looks like you are a surfer as well. I used to take surf and fishing tours to Coiba Island and plan on doing surfing adventures on a sailboat I'm putting together soon. I just came back from a Rainbow gathering in Torio. It was nice going internet free for a month ( refreshing ) and I'm looking for a site for next Jan in Herrera for the next gathering.

I am a (trying) surfer lol. Just once in Bali! We've been so busy here we haven't taken the time to go surfing We would like to sometime this year! Maybe in Jan if we don't make it this year.

Your profile picture tricked me then. LOL Whats keeping you so busy here that surfing is out of the question till maybe next year? the best swell is typically springtime but surf can be found all year.
I'll be interested in reading your thoughts on Panama. I find it one of the freest countries in the world myself, also the most playful. But most of my time has been spent in rural Panama where life is slow and chasing money is secondary to living life.
I'm not a surfer myself but do have many surfing friends. Same deal, chasing life through waves. And people that chase their passions are my favorite people to hang out with. So you might say that is my passion, hanging out with passionate people involved in what they love doing most.
That's why taking people to Coiba National park on week-long fishing, surfing & Scuba trips was the best time of my life! It wasn't a job, it was an adventure.
We will chat more soon....
Slow down and enjoy Panama, get your goals done on Panama time.... the clocks turn slower here. LOL

Didn't mean to trick or anything! lol I'll get to surfing on Panama time! lol I've been working on a few personal goals. I just released a book about travel that I've been working on for about 3 years. And then I'll be releasing another one later this year, much more official than this one, which is on available on kindle and PDF at the moment. I'm also working on a travel platform to help people with little to no money travel. It's in the very, but important, stage right now. Very excited about this one. May be my lifes work, we'll see.

I'd like to live out in the rural area for a little while, I grew up in Oklahoma, so the slowness appeals to me. That trip to Coiba National Park sounds like an amazing time! Mind if I join?! lol

When I'm all set up, I'll be happy to take you to Coiba. I'll be doing very reasonably priced trips for people that couldn't go otherwise, maybe throw in a few free spots. Time will tell...I still need to perform the boat rescue and install the new motor.
The " BEST " travel book I have ever read is " no shitting in the toilet " Budget and off the beaten path travel book. see if you can find it, You'll laugh your ass off. I wish I had a copy, I read it at Rancho Burica in Costa Rica.
I'll be happy to read all your books as soon as some money starts to flow my way. Right now I'm so broke, I can't even pay attention. LOL
Keep in touch, we will get together some day soon. :-)

So great you made it here, guys! So many people just talk about it and never do anything about it. Understand you on learning Spanish... it's been slow for me as well :P

You as well! Your story is inspiring and should be replicated! Glad to be part of our community! We'll get the Spanish one of these days... lol

My husband and I were supposed to high tail it for Belize the summer after we graduated high school. We went to Martha's Vineyard and worked the summer to make enough money to go. And then husband's mother said she'd pay for him to go to a nice school and for our apartment if we didn't go. Decided we'd go a year later with a degree to help us out! And that never happened. I dream of experiencing other places and other cultures. Have never left the country still at 35. My Steemit account will give me the freedom to travel.

I've been wondering if there's another country that would be a better fit for us. Maybe America is just too fancy and expensive. Maybe another country would be cheaper with a better cost of living for us.