A very hard trip to forget and the beauty of nature

in #travel8 years ago

All steemit friends follow me who is on vacation.
What was on your mind when you first heard the name of Ujung Genteng? Beach? Beautiful? Turtle Conservation? Or Far? Yes that's some description of a beach named Ujung Genteng. The beach is located in the south of West Java, more precisely in Kec Ujung Genteng Sukabumi District, is very famous for its natural beauty and beaches.
To go to the beach Ujung Genteng itself takes approximately 9 hours drive from the direction of Jakarta, and 10 hours drive from the city of Bandung. Far enough indeed and very tiring, but all the tired feeling that will be paid by the beauty of the beach is so charming and still quiet of tourists.
My trip this time in starting from the city of Cianjur, departing on Monday 24 July 2017 yesterday. Why did I choose monday for my trip this time? Because to avoid the crowds that usually occur in tempat2 tourism when Wekeend, what else name Ujung Genteng is now quite famous among the Traveler, plus again June is the school holiday time, surely more visitors will come to this one.
I leave at about 6am. I deliberately started the morning journey, because to anticipate the congestion that usually happens in the city of Sukabumi. Finally true, just half an hour journey precisely on the border between Cianjur and Sukabumi congestion began to happen, it turns out I was wrong prediction of time, because pas coincides with the entry of factory hours in the industrial area Cimangkok. Not long ago my vehicle faltered did not even move at all, for about 30 minutes before the journey began smoothly again.
To go to Ujung Genteng there are actually two main lines, that is passing through Pelabuhan Ratu and Cikembar line, and for my trip this time I decided to choose Cikembar Line, because according to the information I get from orang2 who already there first, the path Cikembar more efficient 30km, because we do not have to rotate past Pelabuhan Ratu first.
Map To Edge Tile :)

The road from the direction of Cikembar to Ujung Genteng is still pretty good, though still a good loss if compared with the Pelabuhan Ratu route now. Because still encountered some bumpy road point and also perforated, but still relativ safe for the vehicle.

The scenery along the Cikembar line is dominated by plantation residents, mostly in the form of tea plantations, cocoa, and teak forests. What made me love when passing through this path is the street atmosphere is still quiet from large vehicles, and quite shady because many trees on the outskirts of the road.

After passing through these forests, it will then pass through some crowded centers like markets, and there will also encounter some crossroads. As at the junction Kiaradua one of them, at this intersection of vehicles from the direction of Port Ratu and Cikembar which menus to Ujung Genteng meet, and who will go to Ujung Genteng stay follow the main route only.

After approximately 5 hours journey, then will meet the road sign bearing Surade Sub-district, it's a sign of staying soon will arrive at Ujung Genteng. And for information, Pom Gasoline surade is the last gas station before entering Ujung Genteng area, I suggest here to fill full fuel of your vehicle. In addition to anticipate run out of fuel, because the distance from Surade to Ujung Genteng is still quite far, and if we buy retail gasoline there will be much more expensive price.

Cibuaya Beach Westward

Cibuaya Beach Eastward

Did not feel it was 7 hours I was driving, the right time showed at 13.00 noon, finally I arrived at the entrance of Ujung Genteng Beach, here I have to pay retribusu beach Rp. The distance from the entrance to the beach is still less than 2km away. But the scenery that is served along the path of Ujung Genteng Beach is amazingly beautiful. As if we were on the island of Lombok, because there are many savanna on the beach, and savanna is usually used as a place gembalaan sapi by the people around.

The Beach Is Gorgeous

Finally arrived at the beach Ujung Genteng, the first impression when looking at this beach I immediately fascinated, because it is still quite well maintained if compared with other beaches around Sukabumi. On this beach there is also a fishing market that usually sells and auctiones fresh fish directly at a cheaper price of course.

After looking at favorite spots along the beach, I finally decided to Camp on one of the beaches that is still one line with Ujung Genteng Beach that is Cibuaya Beach. Why did I choose Camp on this beach? Because in addition to the beach is still quiet, on this beach we can also swim, because the waves on this beach is not too big when compared with the beaches next to it, although on this beach there are generally many coral but the white sand is still wide enough for us to play while waiting sunset.

Narcissitic is ahh :)

Water in Cibuaya Beach is really clear, so clear to the obvious fish, and coral reef along this coastal path. But I suggest to remain cautious if you try to swim in this beach, because many in meet the sea urchin which may be very poisonous if not accidentally stepped on. And most importantly, do not you damage coral reefs if you are on the beach, because coral reefs are home to marine biota2 live in it, if the coral reefs die, then the fish or other biota that live around it will also be reduced.

The Water Is Clear

There is so much we can do on this beach Cibuaya, from snorkeling, or just swimming, or maybe want to play ball on the white sand, everything is free without any bans. What I did yesterday, too, ranging from building tents, swimming, cooking, clean beaches, and more.

Our tent,our home :)

Clean beach action😂

Oh yeah,, just info. If you bring a vehicle and want to Camping on this Cibuaya Beach, expect to be careful. According to the info I get from local residents, in Cibuaya Beach is often the case Curanmor. Because the beach is quite far from the house of the population, for it is suggested that the vehicle can be stored in front of the tent and can watch night alternately. But calm down, as long as you guarded, this beach is still safe enough to be enjoyed.

White sand

One day is not enough to exploit all the beauty of this Ujung Genteng, but in other words, other activities have been waiting, and it's a sign that I have to go back home, but I promise that someday I will be given health and opportunity, Once again back here with family, in order to enjoy how beautiful and beautiful beach Ujung Genteng this. 😂

Quite so many times my post may be useful for all and do not forget to follow me and comment. @ilhampratama.

It looks like you had a fantastic experience! Awesome! @ilhampratama

Thank you for the compliment @dihoa :)