Metaphysics is much closer to me than spirituality. My favorite teaching comes from the book “The Master Key System” from Charles F. Haanel. When I first heard about this book, I was struck by the fact that "only 1% of people on the planet can understand it." I studied it day and night for 6 months and in that mission I came across 7 hermetic laws.
Then I started meditating, I had an initiation with a teacher and I got stuck in Vedic science for two years. Its nice to have open chakras and awakened kundalini and everything that Vedic science has given me, but I started to feel that this is not my path, Im just serving my master and if I started asking questions like “what is above vedas?” we had an uncomfortable situations and answers like “you don’t believe ME?”
I felt like I was trapped ... like I had a job where my boss told me what to do and if I didn't do as he said I would be punished with some karma. The reason I embarked on this journey was: I want to live and not work for somebody. You caught me with questions right now, as I go through one of the “let it go” phases.
I love hermetic laws and metaphysics and all the things that explain what I am not. I can't believe that I believed the stories that someone had an elephant's head instead of a head, but all parts of the road are as they are for a reason.
If I am the Universe and others do not exist, why should I serve others? I decided that from now on I would serve only myself.
If I am the Universe, that will be enough.
It always feels nice to discus about topics like Universal Mind, the “plastic infinite substance” in which we imprint our imagination to take shape through the power of emotion. Books now seem to me like imprints of the imagination of old opinions. I wonder what I will attract and manifest if I stop reading books.
Wow! Exact thoughts here. I feel constrained joining groups like freemasonry or Rosicrucian as I felt constrained or contained or just going to be a follower, and not really in control of my destiny. That's why Hermiticism resonated with me more strongly than anything else. One of the best lessons from Bardon for me is his tarot card interpretation of the fool and the magician. And I think I could say I have reached the state of being a magician and yet there are 20 more cards to represent the evolution of man. But for this lifetime I think I can go for the third evolution if I set my mind to it.
Yeah, agree too books are opinions of someone else's based from somebody else's experiences no but sometimes at the right moment their "opinions" can coincide with something I asked or wanted answering. Sometimes while reading I get this sense of "Wow, this is the answer to my.question" like there is just a lightness of being from those words I read when I come across them.
I have this belief like I am on a path I have set myself onto but then I kind of put markers or reminders to lead me back to the right path when I come across them should I stray. So I consider those things like book passages, even line of songs that comes out of the blue, plate numbers ahead of me, or whatever it is that when I see them my spiritual consciousness awakens or gets thugged, those kinds of things. Even The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho thugged something in me. So for me I guess you pick things up for a reason or see and feel things because you were meant to and then our intuition or subconscious reminds us to stay the path.
Imagine in a library or bookstore you have thousands of books to choose from and then a book cover or title catches your attention. Why? It's like something inside you is whispering to pick it up. If you ended up buying it probably you were meant to read it, something like that. For me, my take is there is something there I need to see because I set that as a marker. Same with people we meet, why we are relatives with this person, why this person became close to me, and whatever things come in tangent with us. Maybe even us exchanging comments now.
Sorry again this has gotten quite lengthy. I guess sometimes having someone to talk to about higher stuff is kind of going on a different plane .
I think you'd like probably some of Jennifer's courses. Her concept of oneness(how everything is connected) might resonate with you greatly if that suits you. I mean she has paid courses but for me her free radio show podcasts are were the insights truly are. Her paid classes are more for if you want a guided mentorship and interaction with a large community of people, not to be a member of a flock. She will assess you first though if you're just bored or truly on a path of discovery. I've seen some of her students have become book authors, teachers, ministers, etc.
Gosh, my comments keeps getting longer. Real pleasure to exchange positive vibrations with you.
I love that book, The Alchemist. If I remember correctly, first I started "following the signs" after reading it. As you wrote they can be anything. Sometimes I ask a question and a bird flies in front of me and shows me the way to the left, where I see a yellow flower and the number 22 and I say "AHAAAAAA!" ☝️💡
That's how I came to "cave life". Two years ago, when the world went crazy, many began to search for some safety. There were rumors circulating about conspiracy theory and that we would all be coded as cans in the store. I know this world is crazy, but I also know that there is an island of free people that has nothing to do with the rest of the world, so I decided to go there and to rest from too much seriousness.
I arrived in Ibiza, about which it is necessary to know that "you can't make plans in Ibiza." The spirit of the island greets you at the airport and since then the island takes you on a very strange journeys. That's how I found out that there exists the magic rock Es Vedrà, a magic portal around which UFO and USO objects revolve and strange things happen and I knew right away that this would be the perfect place for me to visit.
I stayed there for the first time to sleep in a cave and on the beach. My mission was to break the pattern that a man must have something to eat and to have the roof over his head. If this world really goes crazy, I don't have to panic, because I can always go back to the cave.
I think this story deserves a extra article 😏
It could take me a while to research the information you shared with me in your last comment, but I would like to talk about them when I'm done. Now we are connected 💻
Have you heard about RA - The Law Of One?
I have to look that up then, the book. Yes, please make a post about the cave story.
I felt spiritually awakened when I dreamt of my guardian angel. After the dream some good things happened in my life. But then had some dark nights too. But trusting I'm gonna be okay has been instrumental for me going through tough times. I always feel I am guided that's why I don't even have to do anything but trust in God, my angel, my self.
Just message me anytime. By the way my real name is Rico, just felt I have to share at least my name.