🛶Come Kayaking With Me in Crystal Clear Blue Waters of Maldives!🛶

in #travel7 years ago

"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets." -Marilyn Monroe

I have a secret fear! I’m pretty scared of deep water! So what am I doing floating around in it then? I'm refusing to let the fear run my life!


When I went to the Maldives for my birthday in January, I (for the millionth time in my life) knew I was getting myself into a situation where I would be surrounded by water.. something I am not very comfortable in (to say the least!)

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the water… SO MUCH but it just kind of tries to gobble me up when I get in it.

I genuinely feel like Poseidon and I have this love affair where I’m the one playing hard to get and he’s the one grabbing at my ankles (in this case), trying to get me to come closer.


All that into consideration, I was mesmerized by the crystal clear blue waters of the islands and decided to put my life in the hands of a plastic contraption and paddle out into the waves.


The friendly Maldivian salesman on the beach even gave me this killer deal half off of the regular posted hourly price and then an extra hour for free.

I'm all about deals so any hesitation I had went out the window when I realized I was paying $10 for 2 hours. I don't know if ya'll price this out often but renting kayaks across the globe has been expensive! Most of the time I want to do it but can't begin to consider paying the unreasonable price tags! New Zealand was over $50 an hour. Ludicrous.


That all sounds well and good and all but once the current started coming into play and I was somehow half way out into the ocean, I began to panic. (It’s actually hilarious now, you can laugh don’t worry!)


So, I have this thing that happens… it’s a reflex… I get scared, then I panic.

Does that ever happen to you?


Well it happens to me and that was happening out there in the water and all of a sudden, I needed to pee of course! But shore was much too far away and there was kidney failure or the water below.


I decided to jump over board onto a sand bar I could see below… welp that was much farther away than what it looked like :P


Picture this, I’m hanging onto the kayak, crying so badly I’m actually laughing at myself and all the while just bewildered by the fact that I was seeing the most magnificent blue all around me. Just keep swimming...


I got back in the kayak and started heading for the beach but way, way out across the distance I could see a whole bunch of different colors congregating together into this mosaic of blues and I had to see it up close so on I went towards the calling color.


By the time I got to it, it was too late to change my mind and I realized I was not only quite far out but also very close to the break from the coral so, waves and stuff.


I paddled my way back into a sandbar and jumped off into the waters to try to teach myself how to float.


See how well that went! 🤣🤣🤣


Joking aside you guys, this was such an incredible experience. The water is just magical.


The sun was shining, the kayak was swaying in the waves and I could not wipe the smile off of my face despite the fear, panic and general feeling that I might not be able to get myself back to shore. 🤣


I actually had a blast out there, pretending to be a mermaid, getting myself used to the hug of the ocean!


About the island:

This island is called Maafushi, and is one of my favorite places I visited in Maldives. It's surrounded by a coral reef which actually makes it pretty calm waters out there despite this scaredy-cat's experience!

It's becoming one of the most popular islands for tourists to visit because it's only a quick ferry ride from the airport, has incredible blue waters and a bustling water sports arena.

It's not the place to go for isolated romance or secluded beaches but it is a gorgeous location with lots of food options, a bikini beach (important if you want a tan!) and a cheap/quick boat ride!

Come here if you want to bicycle around a small island, listen to Maldivian music under the stars and swim in the bluest water imaginable while fishies of all different colors fan out on either side of you!


Check out that water though! You don't even need a snorkel mask to see, you can just look down!

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I hope this post inspires you to check off something from your bucket list and/or conquer a fear!

Remember, you only live once- might as well enjoy it! 😘

If you liked this post, there is plenty more advice/tips/tricks/adventures and experience where that came from- stay tuned for more or see some of my most recent stuff below!

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Sending you love today and everyday! 😘

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I gotta tell you, you don't look just horribly frightened. My mother had the same fear. I've seen her swim in impossibly deep lakes, and in rivers. But she remained standing when at the ocean. The very idea just froze her. But not her children... I'm glad you did it in spite of the the fear.

I guess this isn't the time to tell you about the couple of times I have felt the need to put on a life jacket in a boat :)

The photos are gorgeous, but the story is compelling. Thank you for it.

Usually if there's something beautiful for me to be distracted by, I can manage the fear ;)

Growing up in Canada, I feel a lot safer in lakes and fresh water though I still can't do waves in any way they come. The ocean is a pretty big place and things can happen in the flash of an eye. I've had waaay too many moments where all of a sudden I was under that it's just developed into a huge fear for me. I am really hoping to overcome it though =D

I have those stories too. You know Canada and the USA have a lot stricter guidelines for safety when it comes to boats. I can tell you cringing, terrible stories of where this fear came from lol. I should get my mom to do a vlog of the time I took her snorkeling in Belize lmao.

How did your shopping trip go by the way? Still distracted? You've got me so excited I can hardly wait!

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I was also afraid of water.!! When I was watching friends swim in the river, one of my friends threw me into the river. I almost died and drank a lot of water at the time. since then, I try to learn swim

Oh my! That sounds horrible! I so know how that feels, I have had some scary experiences too sucking in a bunch of water -_-

I hope you learn how to swim safely, the water is so beautiful! Make sure to go with someone who can help you in water that is calm :)

Hmnnn... it's not the water that concerns me, it's whats in the water! But it looks pretty safe where you are. God! Such beauty. Glad you are busting down your fears and being a great example while doing so.

Hahaha well that part concerns me as well... especially since I had been swimming with baby sharks the island prior! I should find those pictures- they don't bite that I know of but it can get your mind swirling. I've also been snorkeling with huge nurse sharks before and that part to me seems a little less daunting than drowning... I feel like animals and I are pretty a-ok with each other. Waves, not so much ;)

I have a daughter who was, in her prime, a world-class competitive swimmer. She would do these open ocean swims that just seemed so insane to me. Even off the SW coast of Australia where the big hungry fish abound. Anyway, as for me I'll keep to the shallows! Blessings on your head.

Oh my goodness that is crazy to me- good on her and thanks for the inspirational story that gives me a bit of a push to brave past my fears ;) I know about those waves full of critters, I'm in Bali right where those waters meet!

I should have been there, to hold your hands through it and tell you, everything will be fine. You did great dear. Facing your fears is actually the best thing to do. You can live with losing the good fight, but you cannot live, with not fighting it. Courage isn't the absence of fear, but the presence of fear, yet the will goes on. Well done my Valentine. Super proud of you.

Awww love your message @olawalium, so sweet but I would expect nothing less from you my dear :) I agree, the only way to get over it is to continually face it. I just seem to have a hard time with waves. I really need to watch some videos on how to handle them when they come instead of letting them knock me over haha

Hahahaha we will watch it together...so i can be your guard against the waves. Hahaha

Good going. It took courage for you looks like. I know the feeling trying to get back into a deep water after I almost drowned in a deep creek in Ozarks when I was 11 years old.
I love swimming too much so, I was cautious at first but decided to just jump into the shallower part first.

Yikes... the scary experiences really stick don't they? I know I have a hard time dealing with the fear and memories when I get in the water! I'm happy to hear you're conquering your fears as well! The water is too beautiful to be afraid of it :)

My resolve to one day travel to that place has been fortified thank to those travel photos. I walk on those beaches and swim in those waters one day. ._.

Thank you for an entertaining travel blog. :)

The Maldives are gorgeous but can be really expensive unfortunately! I hope you get the chance to go one day! I have a bunch of tips to do it on a budget =D I got my flight really cheap and stayed at guesthouses :)

You are so welcome, thank you for enjoying it, that is why I share :)

you're very good with teasing.... :D

God. The blue colors are just amazing! thank you for sharing that, mermaid )

They're just incredible aren't they? I couldn't even pick up all of the different hues on my phone!