As a flight attendant, one thing we have to learn is how to be alone most of the time. Sometimes we will enjoy so much having soliude time and get some extra rest, OR feel lonely and miss home. Depends! This time I tried to be with myself and listen to myself.

Do you know where I had been? Fushimi Inari Taisha!(伏見稻荷大社)
Such a sunny day! Can smell and feel the spring is with us! I really enjoyed smelling the trees, climbing up the hill and visiting different temples.
I do love temples. It brings me so much healing energy making me calm. The historical temples in Kyoto are really amazing and impressive. There are over 1600 temples in Kyoto, so choosing a few to see on a short visit to the city can be a daunting task when you come to Japan next time :)
Thanks for reading my post!
Great post Gladys! Thank you for sharing your lovely day in Kyoto!
Thanks love💗
That is indeed a beautiful tempel and travel post. A clear resteem.
Thank you @lichtblick:))
Wow pretty flight attendant. That's must be a nice trip for you. 😇 Always wanted to be a flight atrebdabt because can get a cheaper ticket or free tickets. And could travel around the world for free. ✈️. But I didn't know the bad about it.
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Thanks for the comment @fruityexplorer:) having this job is not really bad one, as you said we can enjoy cheaper ticket from company but actually it’s not easy to get it especially the big company has thousands of employees. Bad thing probably is same as all the service industry. See how much you love your job then it shows how good you feel about being a flight attendant ☺️
Nice. Enjoy your personal time in kyoto. Nice to know you :)
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