I'm going to watch your progress. (I don't want to dilute Wirex's attention from the great work that #teamaustralia is doing) Once AUD is available, it'll be time for Canadian Dollars!!!
But hopefully, vendors will start seeing the advantage of dealing direct in cryptocurrency and we won't have to worry about and conversion to fiat currencies.
steem on
Thanks kindly @gikitiki. You are right on the money (so to speak!)
Please do throw a signature our way if you'd like to support this expansion to their product. The more currencies they offer, the more value existing Wirex customers will enjoy so it's a win-win.
Canada is a similarly large and diverse country and with its proximity to the US I see a good business case for CAD support after AUD as you say... but I don't make the decisions 😊
I agree about increased vendor buy-in and heard some exciting related news earlier this week that I may be able to share soon.
Thaks again!