Life of 5 Pi Journey- Gorgeous places #Utah
🌈Rainbow Bridge 🌈 is one of the world's largest known natural bridges. The span has undoubtedly inspired people throughout time--from the neighboring American Indian tribes who consider Rainbow Bridge sacred, to the 85,000 people from around the world who visit it each year.
Depart !!! 啟程嚕!!!
nice weather at beginning
天氣真的很好, 很適合出航啊!
start fucking freezing and cold.... we almost feel we gonna die in the river......
and our ship a little be broken cuz we hit the rock....
越來越冷, 船也越來越晃, 我們幾乎感覺快死在海上了.....
and it is really hard to find place..... we really afraid we run out of our boat gas.....
路真的非常難找, 一直徘徊, 有時還一直回到一樣的地方, 真的是失去了方向. 超害怕我們把船油耗盡
take a break....
Finally we arrive 好艱辛阿!!! 我們終於抵拿了, 路真的很難找
keep going ~~ 開完船, 好像還要走路~~繼續找!!
and yes we succeed!!! stunning and gorgeous view, every hard is worth ><
哇哇哇 實在太美了這個彩虹橋, 一切一切的辛苦都值得啦!
Life of 5 Pi journey with my friend.
Love this trip, and this secret place!
這趟旅程實在令人難忘哈, 美麗的秘境 - 彩虹橋
Beautiful place!
Awesome captures my friend @frankintaiwan 👌🏼
thank you glad you like it :)