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RE: USA Culture Shock Part 1: Gay America

in #travel7 years ago

Jaw-dropped! I forgot about this! Can you believe it? Everything else sucked so bad that this part just went out of my mind. I block people who talk about it and don't watch media. I can only imagine what you see through non-jaded eyes. It only gets worse in this area as you learn more - hence why I don't look since I try to stay on task (fail).

My belief is that it is part of the de-population agenda. The projection for the states in 2040 is well under half of the current pop and that remaining number will be half immigrants. The ones that they don't kill by poison will be gay or autistic or whatever so they don't have kids. The death rate is way up and the birth rate is way down. Both will continue in that direction. I need to find that report I saw. I knew I should have gotten it when I first saw it.

Be careful not to blame the mind controlled victims. Very hard I know. Those poor kids. I just want to cry for them. They will never know anything different.

All I wish is that I did not have to see C. Jenner today. Thank you for that. They were pushing him/her hard for months and I had to make a ban. I guess it did not stop.


I tend to agree that a depopulation agenda seems to be under way, worldwide. The relentless push to vaccinate every man, woman and child is nothing like we've seen before.

I'm in SE Asia where they have 7-9 "recommended" vaccines and a lot of people do not get them at all for their kids. My son got about 30 and he is 25 now. Currently the US schedule has 68 on it unless some have been added recently. When I got here last year, the news from North Myanmar was about a region where the Gates fdn went in and vaccinated for measles - a disease never heard of in that area. Well, the epidemic broke out and many died - I think about 50 kids in a month. This is evil done by evil-doers.

I can't say I'm surprised by that. Gates is one evil SOB.

I feel for the parents having to deal with this situation now as they are put under so much pressure. When my children where part way through their early schooling we chose not to allow the later injections. I'm thankful my daughter never had the HPV vaccination. Now they are all in their 20's so the decisions are now in their court.

That hpv one is a freaking nightmare. They are trying to give it to boys now. So glad you avoided it. Lots of people are very damaged from that one - or should I say the series of three of them.

I am trying to recover! I'm so grossed out by that person. The ribbons are rampant in my auto-immune disease groups as well - they are purple over there. Sick people get that tattooed on the inside of their wrist a lot. The toxic reactions sometimes show up the next day and then they post asking for help. Ergh. If it's got a ribbon - run - all they want is your money.