I Have Arrived!

in #travel7 years ago


Made it to Hua Hin and I’ll be here for two weeks, yay! I arrived to Bangkok around 8am, took me two hours to get out of the airport and four hours in the taxi to the hotel in Hua Hin.

We are in a beautiful and quiet area, small hotel close to the beach behind Khao Takiap. I have an awesome room because it’s pool side so I can just roll out of the bed and on to the pool.

When we got ourselves situated, we immediately rented a scooter and went for lunch. Never been so scared than on that scooter, but I’m still alive so I guess it’s all good.

There was a good part of the day still left, but the jetlag got me hard. I didn’t sleep on the plane because I was super excited to get to our destination. I was not expecting to be so tired that I literally couldn’t keep my eyes open, almost fell asleep at lunch, on the scooter and on the pool when I took a little dip.

I had to abandon all the activities for the afternoon/evening and just sleep. I’m not stressing about it too much, because 13 days is a good length to see and do a lot. The heat in here is not actually that bad, I was sure it would be a lot worse, but of course I’m not used to it and I think that contributed to my horrible jet lag. I’ve been trying to get a lot of fluids in and get over this flu like feeling so that I can do more tomorrow.

I'm truly sorry that I don't really have proper pictures to you yet, let alone any bikini bum pics, but I will do my best to change that tomorrow! ;)


Ps. How are my plants doing back home @escapist? Have you been talking to them nicely? :)


I was just on my typical stalker round near your apartment and you can't believe what I saw. @Escapist was telling all your plants that they are ugly and smelly.

I was amazed on what I saw.

Luckily I have the secret key to your apartment, so I just told your plants nice things afterwards. No need to thank me though, I'm just an ordinary superhero of this world.

I knew it, that bitch! Trying to kill my plants so that hers look nicer!

Thank you for being you<3

I'm just trying my best while battling against people who are mean towards plants.

Why apsu! Always ratting from me!

This is what you get. First you squeeze your bread dough too hard, now you tell mean things to a plant.

You should shame!

I am sorry, but this is too funny!
Have a nice day, folks!

Thanks :D

Thanks for sharing this Great info..

very nice post

Glad you made it safe! That long taxi ride must of sucked a lot lol. I hope when I take a vacation I can have a pool side room too!

It wasn't actually that bad, the taxi had air con and I dozed off every once in a while :D

Good to hear! I can NEVER sleep in cars no matter how hard I try to~!

I always get sleepy in a car if I'm not the one driving :D

Lucky you! How is the new Mac treating you?

It's being treating me real good, though I am a bit disappointed about the battery performance, but other than that, it's fantastic.

How long do you get out of your battery? 3 to 4 hours?

beautiful scenery and exotic lounging ...

your posting place & your photography realy excellent...................
....................carry on........................
................enjoy your time...............

Would do this cold wonders to be there. Kiva bonus olis toki sun bikinipylly!

Koitin katsoa pari kertaa nuo kuvat jos jossain näkyy pylly.

Ei näkynyt.

En vain lukenut kommnettia tarpeeksi tarkkaan nähtävästi. :(

Sehän oliskin hauskaa kun ois piilopylly!

"Siellä se on, varpaiden välistä kurkistaa!"

Täytyy varmaan tehä "päivän pylly" postauksia ;P

Kyllä kiitos :3 Ja toki muutakin :D

Great one :) Thanks :)

The vacation that you have long waited for, enjoy it and don't stay too much into the sunlight!

I'll try to avoid that mid day sun but it is so tempting!

Noo, don't let yourself tempted by that sun, your skin is not ready at all and you will get serious sun burns if you expose to that mid day radiation. I would also advise you to use some sun lotion to protect your skin. But except that, wish you have a lot of fun there :D

I already bought spf50 lotion, I think that'll do :D

That's exactly what I use when rarely I expose to sunlight. Don'y be shy to abuse it :))

Travel doesn't become adventure until you leave yourself behind. Bangkok is such a beautiful place , I haven't visited Bangkok but my uncle has and he shared some of the pictures of Bangkok. As far as I know you can visit phi phi islands, wat Arun temple and some national parks too. And you can stay at Pai. Its is a favored destination among backpackers and tourists wishing to explore the region.
You don't need to upload the pictures, just get comfortable there and enjoy your stay.

Great trip if you are always in thailand i suggest you go to koh larn near pattaya Enjoy your trip :)

Don't forget the sunscreen.


WTF WOMAN! I thought I knew you.... Its out there now! I thought we were friends...

That sunshine must feel like victory!

Glad you made it Safe and sound, Now im fucking jealous cause its fucking freezing here in California!!!

What is it cold in California, I thought it was always sunny in there :p

Hell naw I live in San Francisco not Los Angels lol, it’s mostly foggy here but I can live with that!


Well thank you 😁

4 hours to get to the hotel? sounds about right for thailand! Glad you made it safely.. while you are enjoying the warm sunshine.. I have been stuck at home due to heavy snow etc.. got two days off work at least ;) anyway... enjoy! :)

Is school closed for snow days? 😝

yes! and that never happens here :)

Hope you have a fantastic time! I'll look forward to seeing some epic adventures too! I imagine it's just photo opportunities at every turn out there!

Looks nice already, have a nice warm life.

Ahh bliss looks good! Enjoy 💯🐒

I am jealous. Just from 2 weeks in Hua Hin to cold and wet Spain. Enjoy your stay

What is the number one thing to see/do in Hua Hin? You have three seconds, tell me the first thing that pops to your head!

Nice to read yout post, I am traveling around in Thailand to and I am on the same Coast as you but more south in a small place called ban krut for the moment, the weather have been fantastic so far, have a nice trip and check out my blog if you want to, I Will follow you now 🌺❤️☮️