5 Things I love about Solo travel

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

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When it comes to travelling everyone has their preferences. I love travelling solo and most of those trips never really ended up being alone. So, here are five reasons why I love solo travelling.

1. No conflict of Intention and Interest

I love travelling with my friends and family. But there are two major problems why I leave that comfort zone when I really want to explore a place. The first one is the conflict of intention. Everyone has their own way of seeing a place, feeling a place and enjoying each and every moment. I am a person who love to explore the culture of a place, hear stories and enjoy local cuisine. There are times when I visit a place with the sole purpose of finding a landmark mentioned in a book or to get that feeling of a place I saw in the movie. Travelling with a group takes planning and everyone has their own intention of doing something at some place. Solo travel eliminates that tiresome step of gathering everyone and deciding the place of visit and activities. This saves a lot of waiting time for a trip to be planned. Moreover, there is a high chance of meeting people of similar interest at the place you are travelling to. This for me is the major factor why I started travelling solo in the first place.

2. Travel time-un-bound

The only real asset we all posses in our life is Time. Solo travel allows to utilize time my own way. Travelling in a group calls for taking care of everyone else's time. Integrating everyone's interests into a given time becomes difficult for me while travelling. I like to sit near a stream or just sit and enjoy the nature sometimes. This can be utter boring or stupid sometimes to my fellow travellers. So to me travelling solo means travelling without the boundary of time.

3. Hey there!

Safety is the number one concern during solo travel. But I am so lucky to be introduced to awesome people during my solo travels. I found I am more open to meeting new people and interacting with the locals while I am travelling alone. This has been a good experience for me. Most of the "Hello are you travelling there alone" conversations have given me helpful tips and tricks that Google can never provide. Many of those "hey"s and "hellos"s turned out to be good friendships too. After all human beings being the social animals do try to get that human interaction even when trying to be alone, that's something I learned after every trips.

4. Is that myself?!

Travelling with someone is the best to way to get to know that person. It is true in case of solo travel too, you get to learn about yourself more and more through your solo trips. I have understood myself better with solo travels. How I manage the situations to how I survived to what I love are few lines out of the "This is Me" notebook I could write after travelling. I have sat and wondered later about many incidents I have been through during my travels. It kind of gives a positive energy and confidence boost. No matter how strange those memories are, they always fueled my next trip.

5. Focus and grow

Travelling alone means you are out own your own. The whole planning, execution, analysis and strategies are done by this tiny being somewhere in this huge universe. That is something to be proud of right? Well, that is something to be scared of too sometimes. Solo travel help to grow in different dimensions. A great focus has to be given to the surroundings, culture of the place visiting, dress, food and each and everything for a safe trip. Moreover a great focus has to be given to yourself. Solo travel made me understand the basic human nature is same all around the world. You may seem to others as a wandering lost soul. But, Deep inside you'll realize the change that has happened to you, the growing indestructible peace and the longing to explore more.

But no matter how much you love solo travelling, a good companion is a treasure. So if you find one cherish it!


YEAHHH AGREEE!! hello fellow newbie it will be a pleasure to follow each other HIT ME UP @Imjasit #bantusteemitIndonesia