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RE: Mysterious Landscapes

in #travel7 years ago

why it is only a ruin?
i have never enter any christian cemetary, what building that is


tempat nyimpen jenazahnya mas, nunggu musim spring (tauk lupa terjemahannya ha..ha.) baru dikuburkan soalnya kalau musim dingin dulu tanahnya keras. :)

Tempat nyimpen jenazah ? Kuburan gitu ya om ?

kayaknya sih tempat penampungan sementara, baru habis musim spring baru dikubur... kalau musim dingin tanahnya keras

Oh ini buat nyimpen jenazah ya ,,, kirain istana raja.

I am not sure. I think because it is no longer used and was expensive to maintain. Many small upstate NY communities are losing inhabitants as the younger generation moves away. As a result,their small rural cemeteries lack the funds to maintain the grounds. This cemetery was quite small and although cared for may not have had enough money to maintain the burial vault.