Very smart editing. I like the occasional reverse video you put in there. I especially liked it when the jet bikes were in view, looked like they were gobbling up their own wake. Nice work.
Hey man! I did it. Woke up at 5:45am and I think I got some impressive footage. How is life withh you? I have less than 3 months to get in shape for the wedding so I think I will follow your work outs!
Thank you my friend. To be completely honest, it does not feel like hard work. I love flying drones and editing is super fun. With some music, headphones, coffee and a fast computer, an hour goes a long way!
What an awesome job editing back and forth, the song makes me happy imagining myself being there. What kind of drone are you using? Great job!
Hi @henry-sharpe Thanks man! That is the idea and I am happy you felt you were there. This was filmed on a Phantom 3 Pro.
Very smart editing. I like the occasional reverse video you put in there. I especially liked it when the jet bikes were in view, looked like they were gobbling up their own wake. Nice work.
Yes, those reverse video work made this video better than what it could have been.
That was super fun to edit. It felt like the wake was just disappearing. I like water in reverse and I am happy you enjoyed it as well.
Good job 👌
Beautiful waters, beautiful video 🍻
I am happy you liked it. All the best...
Melts my heart to see this!!! Playa always will hold a special place in my heart! Amazing memories visiting ever week for 3 years!
I think you will LOVE tomorrows video. I am going to watch the sunrise and SUP!
Looking forward to it!
Hey man! I did it. Woke up at 5:45am and I think I got some impressive footage. How is life withh you? I have less than 3 months to get in shape for the wedding so I think I will follow your work outs!
Great today is a rest day so check out the other posts and start there!! I love the footage incredible stuff!
Great footage. Beautiful place, beautiful water. Thanks
@sallybeth23 Thank you for always commenting. I promise a great video for tomorrow!
The water is so clear and blue, really nice video. It shows how hard you have worked on this.
Thank you my friend. To be completely honest, it does not feel like hard work. I love flying drones and editing is super fun. With some music, headphones, coffee and a fast computer, an hour goes a long way!
Amazing work!
May I ask you what camera did use for record the video?
Yes, of course. I shot this with a Phantom 3 Professional.
amazing! Thank you!
Looks like it was around Tulum. I lived near Playa del Carmen on the water for 5 years. A very nice place to live for a while.
Nice shots and video. Keep doing it.
Thank you @bigsilver. It was shot around Playa del Carmen, Xpuha and Selvamar. And yes, it is a pretty cool place to live. Cheers.
The screen shot would make a great painting. @diegotorresscolo
What screen shot? You mean the sail boats?
Oh, was talking about the thumbnail.
Great piece of work Diego.
Thank you very much Dr. All the best!