This must stop. I woke up feeling worse, it must be the drugs I thought. I wanted to get out of that hellish hostel. Out of the country once and for all. Leave swiftly without a trace. But I had already agreed with my two friends back then, one from France and one from Germany, to go to the immigration office to inquire about the visa extension. Why did I have to be too nice for the last time? I keep on escaping from my existential dilemma. I knew I must go home. I need to finally have the courage to do what I had been planning to do all my life, but I was being swayed away from my purpose. I was distracted, worried and scared. Scared of the future. Scared that I might stay in this God-forsaken country only to be with those who could fill the void of my forever empty and lonely world. I decided this was the end, of drugs, booze, parties, and fake friendships. I would no longer let myself be stabbed and hurt just to make them feel better about themselves. I would no longer be influenced by their own life issues. My then-friend got out of the immigration office and emphasized his privileges out loud. My head was hurting and I was confused. My inner demons finally came to pick me up, they walked me away from them fast without looking back. Without caring about what they thought. Without regrets. I am done with these people... I finally flew back home.
Face your demons, that's what I say. What do these inner demons represent? Fear, anger, hatred, worries, negativity and all that repressed feelings that keep you from achieving your desires. It is necessary to break through them in order to experience the greatness you deserve.
My life on the road became worse eventually. Now it has been a year and I see all the healthy transformation. I had been alone on the road/life for too long so when I met people who gave me some slight care and attention, I put up with all their shit. I let myself be hurt again and again because misery loves company. I now transform my wounds into wisdom. Because I and I alone have the power to stop the clinging demon from demonizing me.
Perhaps transforming my wounds into wisdom is an act of love itself. This act of love can dissolve all the hardened lava of repression and prolonged agony. Recognizing my inner demons and bringing them into the present moment would be the only way to forgiveness.
Back in the day, I would put on my defensive cloak and deny the existence of my internal demons. I would defend myself no matter what because I like to be better than you. I am always right. I am selfish and your existence does not matter to me. I always get what I want. As I get older, these inner demons slowly come to life to make me aware. If I really want to change my life and live in harmony with other human beings, I have to first open myself up to reconciliation and negotiation with my inner demons.
The past is my worst demon, my forever struggling shadow. It haunts while I sleep. It comes during silence. It is there wherever I go and I want it to leave me alone so bad. I want it to stop telling me what to do before I further hurt and demonize everyone. I want to strip my soul naked until love is only what's left. I no longer want to live in the pain of the past. The wounds of the past that have a stranglehold on my being. But perhaps, there are no mistakes only lessons. Only I can decide if my worst demon is my worst enemy or my greatest ally.
To face your inner demons is to not repress them. It is not by making yourself look agreeable all the time so you could wait for the day that you finally explode. The demons grow bigger and powerful in magnitude. Don't wrestle with them. Don't bury them deeper, but instead, recognize their existence. Have a drink with them and listen to what they say. And finally, allow your light to shine on your own demons. Because in the end, light overpowers darkness. You won't see your angels until you have faced your own demons.
When traveling, friends never last long. I know them for an average 2 months before they/I go.
What about you?
I had 24hr friends.
I don't think this count as friends 😝
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The only way to find happiness is to go through the darkness and face the dark night of the soul. Most people won't do the work needed of deep introspection, inner child work, and being brutally honest with themselves. Until we stop lying to ourselves and masking our troubles with like you say fake friends, relationships, alcohol etc we will never heal. Thank you for bearing your soul, I wish you all the luck in the World facing your demons, Im sure you will slay them like a boss ;)
Very true words, thanks for dropping by!
You're right ! don't repress them, instead learn to play with them. They're part of being human. They don't play by the rules. Make peace with yourself and you'll be able to tame them. They say they are the dark side of ourselves. yeah they are that's why you have to be strong, make that positive side of you stronger. How? Love yourself. If your situation now is taking away your worth then stay away from it by all means. If your past is haunting you.... no! you're not actually afraid of the past, you're afraid of it happening again. Live in the present and make sure that the past won't happen again. Know your worth, love yourself first before you love others. How will you love others if do not know how to love in the first place? The outside world is cruel and unfair. It's easier to make peace inside first before going outside. Create your happiness. Choose it wisely.
I agree. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
the bigger picture is always nice to retrace to.
I like the glimmer of hope right at the end. I truly hope that you are doing better and that the healthy transformation will continue and there will be more angles that demons in your future.
Thank you @fanstaf.
Its the friends that stick around you want to focus on. They are the special ones, who you can call out of the blue and feel like its ok. I have few of these and respect their presence in my life. Better a few proper ones than many artificial ones I say 💯🐒
I agree!
I have an odd take on this post:) Oh, yippie ky-yay! it's interesting that you posted this the day after a rather accurate assessment of neoliberal capitalist spirituality it's entirely your fault that your life is k.O.'d ...
As the archons who rule took control of modernity, they needed a new angle on theodicy...These non-human entities (ahem, cough, choke) decided that a great way to defer attention away from their insane psychopathy was to blame human consciousness for all the problems.
So, no, I don't buy into this narrative to the extent you seem to (which is okay) and I do agree that each of us has issues, but we are not the problem.
It's these nephilim archonic dipshits that are the problem!lol They may not like me saying things like that and it may not bode well for me that I share Lennon's birthday. I can hope their continued vetting processes keep me in obscurity in that regard.
But my demons keep on telling me that it is my fault and to stop blaming the matrix. Demons, really.
Upvote ya.. =]
opinions that are popular fall into the logical fallacy of ad papulum.
Just because my view is distasteful doesn't mean it's untrue. I limit my tuna intake these dayz at any rate:D https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/40/Appeal-to-Popularity
Some musings on theism: the only being in religious myth that can tell the difference between the truth and a lie is god. But the humdinger is that god speaks all truth via its right hand agent/s and all lies with its left-hand agents; so much so that it took Adam and Eve 1000 years to tell the difference between the voice of truth and the voice of lies. And these were those who walked with GOD! How do mere mortals stand a chance? BTW: Tenacious D picked up on this by placing an exact replica of Jesus as the anti-christ in hell. It's going to be interesting to see how people react to this coming Messiah. Who will be able to tell if he's lying or telling the truth? Only God? But the antichrist is God! And so is Jesus! Yikes!lmao
So it must be the tuna. Antichrist. :)
Good story