Where are Cozumel and Puerto viarta located? And of course I will take a lot of pictures the days I go there! :) And I have to admit it makes me a bit jealous of you able to travel a lot when working online xD I hope one day I can do the same, what do you do for your online work if I may ask?
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They're in Mexico! Haha I love when people ask because I love spreading the knowledge! I work as an Affiliate Marketer. Basically, that means have a link to things that I truly believe in, and I share it with people!
Right now I am Affiliated with a new platform from one of my good friends. It's all in the prelaunch phase right now so it's one of those times where it's good to get involved before the prices spike! It's especially useful if you're thinking of starting a business. It's not totally open to the public yet but since I am good friends with Chris, I am allowed to introduce people.
The course teaches about how to start as an Affiliate Marketer, about Facebook Ads, Instagram Influencing, blogging and can create 7 figure-generating sales funnels from SCRATCH.
If you're really curious haha just Facebook me or post a post on my Facebook group: