Magical Venice - Most favorite place on Earth!

in #travel7 years ago

There is no one who didn't heard about Venice, magical, romantic, unique town in southern Italy. Built on water with canals instead of streets, full of bridges and narrow passes, this is The One Place you must visit at least once for a life time.


A bit of history of this town is amazing as city itself. In early centuries of New Era, Roman empire was near its end. Torn apart by constant conflicts of powerful families, subverted by wishes of corrupted individuals, Roman Empire was facing last days of its glory. Constant attacks by Germans hordes, Ottoman empire and Huns left Romans to fight for their life or run from their land. Recognizing group of small islands in Adriatic sea as place which will be hard to conquer, was somewhere between ingenious idea and desperate move.


Whatever reason was, at 5th century, Venice was founded, officially by dedication of church of San Giacomo on the islet of Rialto. Rest of its history is pure glory and power. But, best place to hear that story is for sure Venice itself... and best person to tell you that story is someone with much more history knowledge than me ;)


If you didn't been in Venice, but you only seen pictures of that amazing town, you may be unprepared. Even though you may think, by areal photos or by map of Venice, that it is built on couple islands connected with land, true is a little bit different. Venice is built on more than hundred islands, 118 of them to be exact. It's not connected to land, at least it wasn't connected at distant times. Venetian streets are canals and narrow passages, and main transportation vehicle is the boat. More than 400 bridges connect buildings and narrow streets of Venice, creating architectural ensemble, different, unique, stunning and simply amazing at every step. It's maze made of beauty. It's labyrinth you do not want to exit. It's Venice!


First time when I was in Venice it was completely unplanned. I was only 15 years old and traveling, for first time by my own, across Europe. I know, my parents were, obviously, very open minded and quite confident in my ability to travel alone so young. I must admit, and thank them for that, since they raised child who were never afraid to step into unknown. But, that first step was almost complete fiasco. At French border, customs officer was a little bit worried about kid traveling alone with only few bucks, couple t-shirts and tent in his possession. So he decided to send that kiddo back home. I can understand, he was probably thinking that either me or my parents are crazy, and that France will live quite happily without me wandering through streets of Paris.


Somehow desperate, and with my mind at another place, I took train back to Belgrade. What else I could do? But ride was shorter than I expected...

- Ultima stazione Venezia! - said nice Italian guy dressed better than Jams Bond, with million dollar smile on his face.
- Ultima stazione?? - Last station?!?? Venice? What the...?!?
- Dove vai ragazzo?? Belgrado!!! .... Porca miseria! .... Vieni, vieni!


Few minutes later I had ticket in my pocket, detailed instructions where train will be, and some 15 hours until departure... Italian James Bond was very helpful, he even bought me a map of Venice, put couple marks on it, and with couple last wisdom's ('If you think that you need one hour to come back to station - you need at least two!') and another million dollar smile he pointed exit from station and Venice beneath. 'For sure you are not staying in station for 15 hours? You do not look like that kind of boy!' Well he was completely right, and if he, by some crazy chance, reading this - Thank you so much Italian James Bond, thank you so much!


As you may know, only available transportation in Venice is boat or foot. There is no metro, bus, you cannot rent a bike, there is no place for cars. And Venice is, as I already pointed, maze, labyrinth of narrow streets, bridges, canals and, be ready for that, dead ends. It took me more than five hours to get to one of the biggest mark on my map with three exclamation points and word 'visitare' in bold... But, Plazza Sant Marco left 15 year old boy stunned and amazed. I was freeze by pure beauty of that place. I could not believe that such place exist in world. I was in love! I was so much in love! In love for the rest of my life.


That love is still strong as first day. I cannot count how many times I was in Venice. Sometimes for days, sometimes just for couple hours, just to enjoy best espresso in the world in Caffe Del Doge. I was visiting Venice on summer, winter, during long hot days and on worst sea storms you can imagine. I was in Venice alone, with friends, girls I loved during the years, with my kids... I simply cannot pass near that lovely town without spending some time on those canals.


So what to know if you are visiting Venice. First - don't come by car. Or, if you travel by car, leave it at main land. Parking in Venice is luxury. You will spend the same amount to park your car as for your 'tree-star' hotel. That expensive. Italians are charming and well dressed and most of them have fabulous smile, but if they say that Venetian hotel has a parking, it's usually not so true. It's most likely public garage, quite expensive and, if you are really unlucky - full to the last place. As far as I know, only few hotels have private parking, very limited and not really accessible by anything larger than small city car. If you are driving large car, don't even think about it. Instead, park your car on main land. Find garage which is under camera surveillance, just for any case. Also, book garage in advance via internet - you will be discounted, depending on time of the year, even up to 50%.


The fastest way for traveling around Venice is boat taxi. It's fast, affordable and comfortable. It even connects Venice with main land, even though there is quite affordable metro and bus to main land. If you are not ready to walk long miles, for sure plan to use boats. Consider daily ticket during your stay, it is cheaper and very convenient when you discover place you must visit, and it is located on other side of the Venice.


But, in my opinion, best way to travel around Venice is by foot. That's how you will see all beauty of that magical town. That's how I enjoy Venice every time. Be prepared to get lost, be prepared to circle around, be prepared to ask for direction, be prepare for heavy legs at the end of the day. Map or GPS is must - don't expect any logic or count on your instinct to lead you. There is no way, simply no way. I was in Venice so many times, and last time I was lost on my way from Tronchetto to Rialto, path I took many times before, simply by being distracted talking with friend.


Don't eat or drink in Plazza Sant Marco restaurants, unless money is not issue for you. It's amazing with all that small restaurants and live classical music performed on Plazza, but for price of drink you can eat fresh sea food in other places. Find any small restaurant in some side street. Price will be much more acceptable and service will be amazing as well. If you like a real good Italian coffee, go to Caffe Del Doge! It is more expensive than other places, but that coffee is 'wow amazing'. I cannot imagine going to Venice and not spending at least one morning there... well I am Italian Coffee addict as you can see ;)


In some cases, finding place to stay in Venice is not that expensive. Especially if you miss time of one of numerous carnivals, and if you book well in advance. There is nothing more romantic than spending night in hotel while listening sea from open window and eating breakfast on terrace with a view on canals in easy morning with somebody you love. But, usually, will be more affordable to find stay on main land. There you can find options not so common for Venice, as hostels and couch surfing.


If you are 'tent addicted' as me, main land offers couple places to camp, but they are not very affordable. And do not try to crash and bivouac 'just for night'. Although it is allowed in most of Italy, near big tourist places it is strictly forbidden. And Italian Carabinieri (police) are well dressed and with amazing smiles, but they will make you miserable when they find you. Fines are so huge that you can spend relaxed week in best Venetian hotel for same price, so please, don't do it.


And off course - cannot talk about Venice and not mention riding on a Gondola. Traditional Venetian boat, powered by casually, but still elegantly, dressed gondolier. Passing beneath Ponte del Sospiri followed by sounds of Puccini's opera... what can be more romantic? Well it is absolutely romantic and u should do it. Just keep in mind that price is about $100 for an hour. Additional 20 minutes are $20 during a day. At evening, being romantic is even more expensive - $100 will give you starting 30 or 40 minutes, and each additional 20 minutes is worth $50. So, if money is issue - don't do it. If you cannot afford additional $20 or $50 to prologue ride 'just a little bit more', then you are not going to enjoy it. If you are counting unused minutes, you are not going to enjoy it. You may even end up arguing with gondolier, and it's not wise to argue with Italian who is controlling unstable boat on restless water... you may experience sudden wet moments, if you know what I mean ;)


On streets, be ready for huge number of tourists. I mean really huge! On weekend, during the day, all streets are full. You may wait in line even to cross some smaller bridges. If you are planning visit to churches or some museums, do take reservation over internet. It will be cheaper and you will spend less time in the line. And even though Venice Carnival is amazing, you may find that actually seeing it in live is not so pleasant experience, especially since selfie sticks is invented. It's not fun to watch anything through forest of sticks, and that's most likely scenario if you are short as I am ;) Instead, consider some off-peak days and staying late at the evening. All shops will be closed, most of the tourists will be out of the town and you may even found yourself at almost empty Venice. And believe me - Venice during night is one of most romantic and most passionate places to be. Don't worry, restaurants work up to late.


Pictures on this blog entry was taken during one long night in Venice. Even though I have technically better pictures of that town, taken with better gear and in better conditions - these are by far most favorite pictures of Venice I ever took. Night in Venice is something you should experience to understand what I am talking about. After first night on its streets, I came with expression that Venice is town of masks, but that during the night all masks are falling! Go and see by yourself. I am not going to spoil first night in Venice for you with more stories! Promise!


I could write about Venice for days and days. I have endless stories from that town. I have so much beautiful memories from there. For me, Venice is, by far, most favorite place on Earth. This is the town I will love until the end.


All photos are taken with my old and faithful Canon PhotoShot SX50HS and clumsy Hama tripod (not so sturdy, but weights only 200 grams). I am not publishing info beneath each photo, just not to distract you from beauty of Venice, but all of them are taken as long exposures of 15-30 seconds, and all of them are post processed in Adobe Lightroom CC. Some of them are panoramas of few photos. If you want exact info on some photo, just comment and I'll publish complete EXIF and post processing details.

!steemitworldmap 45.440847 lat 12.315515 long Magical Venice! D3SCR


Beautiful shots! You captured the city perfectly. Venice really is a magical place.

Thank you, I am so glad that other stemians like Venice too :)

Heya, just swinging by to let you know you're being featured in our Daily Travel Digest!

Thank you very much my dear friend!

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Изванредне ноћне фотографије Венеције @dejan.vuckovic! Извукао си максимум из опреме, али бих волео да видим овде и оне си снимио бољом опремом. Пун погодак, види се и по заради. Заслужено, браво!

Hvala druze, bice jos fotografija Venecije, naravno :)

Omgosh looks like a scene out of a Spanish movie

Even better, Italian romantic movie ;)

upvoted&followed, look at my photos :)

Thank you, you have nice post there!

Have been there 2 times, still not enough! Amazing pictures!

Then you know how I feel about that city. Thank you!

Hey! Those are amazing pictures. Thanks for sharing

I will know love when I go this city, that love that you discover when you meet special places. Thanks for making me move with just reading you.

Thank you so much!

i also like and love venice ,i think that it is a magical place but ,but it will be my favorite place only in spring when you can engoy riding on a gondola.but for summer and winter i prefer others places.yours pictures are amaizing and shows the beautiful places of venice

Yes, during spring it's even more beautiful... well everything is more beautiful after long winter, at least for me :) Thank you!

I adore this post, @dejan.vuckovic. Your write up is great and your photos are stunning.

Looks good. Have not been there (yet). I really like the first photo of the post! Good warm atmosphere. I enjoy making slow shutter photo's myself as well ;)

Thank you, looking forward to see your long expos.

Fantastic photos and great article :) Found this through travel digest. I don't think I have ever seen Venice look so peaceful and calm :)

Thank you very much. Yes, those are my favorite pictures,is so hard to see Venice without a lot of people on streets.

Dejan my friend - wonderful shots and even better story! Wife and I were just talking yesterday of possibly taking a cruise out of Venice but staying there a week before to get over jet lag and see the city for first time. You must have known we were talking about your favourite place...

Ha ha, that's amazing coincidence! I am so glad about your trip (and a little bit jealous). Have a great time in Venice, enjoy for all of us! I'm waiting for your report from there. Thank you!

Not so fast --- just talking now, still have to decide when, how, and where to find the money lol! Friends are there now so that got us thinking.