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Hello fellow Steemians,
I hope you are all having a great day! :) As usually, I am here with my daily photo challenge where you can submit your personal images from your travels to Prague and other locations in the Czech Republic in the comment section below.
The best 15 entries of the day will get my upvote. I will then pick the absolute winner of the day from these 15 photos. The winning photo will be awarded with a bigger upvote and it will also be featured as the cover image for the challenge post the next day to give the author of the winning shot some more exposure and publicity.
Don’t forget to add a short background story for your entry with at least 30 words and let me just remind you one more time that only personal images will be accepted in the challenge.
There were many great entries submitted in the yesterday Prague/Czech Republic photo challenge and I had a hard time picking the best one. After a deliberate consideration, however, I decided to choose the following entry by @schmidthappens:
As I've said before about photos I've posted here, the one piece of advice I would give someone visiting Prague is to take the time to visit Letná Park. Besides being a beautiful park filled with people exercising or walking their dogs, the park also offers incredible views of Old Town. While it's pretty popular and full of photographers trying to get a shot, there's definitely plenty of space and not overly crowded. And the best part is you can get a photo like this:
Click on the image for a large view
I rewarded @schmidthappens winning entry with some extra upvote. Feel free to visit his blog and check out some of his other entries.
Thank you for your submissions. Have a great day and keep on Steeming!
Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.
Travel Tip: Veselicko Chateau, hidden architectural gem of Moravia
Price of 20 SBD/70USD: 7 World's Continents photo challenge WEEKLY WINNER announcement #33!
ColorChallenge - Red Monday - @amyalfatasya in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!
CEO & Founder of CGH

Sněžka is the highest mountain in the Czech Republic with the height 1603 meters. It's also the highest mountain of Krkonoše, what are Czech greatest mountains. You can easily observe to the Czech Republic and to Poland (the north view), the borders to Poland are very close. You can refresh yourself in the buffet Česká Poštovna on the top of Sněžka. It’s a post office, you can also send a postcard from the top of Sněžka, what is quite interesting.
What an incredible place that definitely deserves some more attention. Well worth featuring in today's edition.
Prague Castle in the Evening, Prague
I made this photo of the Prague Castle from the opposite bank of Vltava River using 70-200 telephoto lens. I choose the moment in evening when lights and illumination was just turned on and there was still a lot of natural light from setting sun. I hope you enjoy this photo!
Your images are just amazing and todays' not an exception.
Side view of the Church of the Holy Trinity (Kostel Nejsvětější Trojice), an impressive medieveal church founded in 1463. Located on the Square of the Holy Trinity, it is one of the most important and best-preserved old churches in the Silesian city of Opava.
Front view of the Straznice Synagogue, a former Jewish Temple built in 1804 in the Classicist architectural style. Situated at an old Jewish cemetery, the synagogue is one of the dominant landmarks of the little South Moravian town of Straznice
Jewish cemetery in Žižkov via decorative forging fence.

You can find this Jewish cemetery under the Žižkov transmitter. It was founded in 1680 for Jewish victims of plague. Repeatedly buried here during other epidemics. In 1787 the enlightenment emperor Josef II banned burying in internal Prague due to frequent floods. The next hundred years were buried here only.
In 1960, three quarters of the cemetery was transformed into a park. Further damage was caused by the construction of Žižkov´s transmitter.
But the rest is worth seeing ...
Vidím pokrok správným směrem v kompozici. Jen bych měl ještě malou radu. Příště bych fotil trochu více zprava a výše, aby náhrobek byl uprostřed hvězdy a eliminoval se ten strom napravo. Na zítra mám připravenou podobnou, jen z Vyšehradu a doladěnou kompozičně.
This is great framing. Awesome shot.
Thank you.
This is the inside view of the prague castle. The inside is a very wide area for housing momuments and offices. To me, this place is wide enough to house thousands of people as they enjoy the beautiful castle.
The building of the Congress Center, formerly the Kultury Palace, was built between 1976 and 1981 in Neofunctionalist style. In 2017, thanks to the Congress Center, Prague was declared the most popular conference destination of the world by the International Congress and Convention Association.
Prague is an amazing place, it's people, it's buildings and culture are just one of a kind. The old town square was indeed a place that is most fascinating. If you're ever in Prague, do well to check it out
Tonight I present a very rare photo from inside Prague's Invalidovna. It was a military veteran's hospital built in the 1730s. The building saw prolonged use as a hospital/veteran's home until the 1930s. After that the Czech army took over the building and used it as an archive. It was damaged by an epic flood in 2002 and is set to undergo an at least six year restoration; after which there will be tours and it will likely house offices for NGO and Non-Profit organizations. One weekend each year the building is opened to the public for tours so here is a rare look inside at the chapel.
beautiful landscape
Kutná Hora was one of the Czech Republic’s gems. It was Bohemia’s political and economic center between the 14th and 15th century and once was one of the richest cities. The city sat on high deposits of silver ore and was a successful mining town. The Church of St. Barbara was built using sandstone from nearby quarries. However, the Hussite wars and financial issues hampered the construction of the cathedral that it ultimately took five hundred years to complete in 1905.
Walking down in Prague Czech republic, I couldn't help but observe this terrifying but wonderful sculpture above, and while nobody seemed to be able to explain it's symbol I was moved to take a photo of this sculpture from beneath it as I couldn't get a nice vantage point ahead
Cool :)
As explained by the artist himself in the article above: "Slight Uncertainty is a project hung behind the office windows. Slight because of seeming lightness of flying but uncertain because of unsure landing and unknown length of the flight. This might be kind of a paraphrase of the economic crisis. " I would assume that this is one of these: http://www.michaltrpak.com/en/stranka/sochy/slight-uncertainty/1561/
(I have allowed myself to correct two typos in the quoted text)
“ Ponte Carlo (Karluv Most)”
I can say that Pague has satisfied (almost completely) my expectations ..The bank of the river that faces the Ponte Carlo is certainly one of its most beautiful vantage points, the effort to get up at the 5 AM to photograph this beauty has definitely been repaid..I hope that you enjoy this photo!
Waterfall in Adtrspach Rocks which you can find among rocks, I would say that it's really special one... and again you will be in a different world... magical a little bit.
Čertovka (Devil's Channel)
Side branch channel of the Vltava river in Prague creates the river island Kampa. Čertovka was built in the 12th century as a mill race. The large mill wheel in the picture belongs to the Grand Priory Mill.
What a great entry and beautiful image.
A characteristic group of burgher houses on the southern side of Beroun square. Houses with preserved Gothic stone vaulted cellars, Renaissance elements and Baroque shields stand on the site of the original Gothic houses. The oldest, historically documented and architecturally most precious building in Beroun is the Jenštejn House.
Great Challenge, unfortunately, I am not Czech
Beautiful scenery and excellent photography. Nature and human development both in a.single portrait.this is pretty fantastic.
a very interesting challenge, but I can not take my challenge not from the ceko..