WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged and/or reported to @steemcleaners - HELPING TO STOP PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT
Hello fellow Steemians,
I hope you are all having a great weekend! :) As usually, I am here with my daily photo challenge where you can submit your personal images from your travels to Prague and other locations in the Czech Republic in the comment section below.
The best 15 entries of the day will get my upvote. I will then pick the absolute winner of the day from these 15 photos. The winning photo will be awarded with a bigger upvote and it will also be featured as the cover image for the challenge post the next day to give the author of the winning shot some more exposure and publicity.
Don’t forget to add a short background story for your entry with at least 30 words and let me just remind you one more time that only personal images will be accepted in the challenge.
There were many great entries submitted in the yesterday Prague/Czech Republic photo challenge and I had a hard time picking the best one. After a deliberate consideration, however, I decided to choose the following entry by @nenio:
Photo of an interesting piece of architecture in Prague. The image shows the door and its decorative elements in Art Deco and including some sculptures. Prague is one of the few cities where you can find some different architecture styles son near. In the window next of the door there is a reflection of a neo-barroque building.
Click on the image for a large view
I rewarded @nenio winning entry with some extra upvote. Feel free to visit his blog and check out some of his other entries.
Thank you for your submissions. Have a great day and keep on Steeming!
Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.
Travel Tip: Loket Castle, one of the most beautiful Gothic castles in the Czech Republic
ColorChallenge - Indigo Saturday - @jlgc in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!
CEO & Founder of CGH

Litoměřice is a district town lying on the river Elbe in the Ústí nad Labem Region. Earlier it used to be a royal town and today is the center of the town monument zone, with an area of 44 streets. Fact that the city lies at the foot of the Czech Central Mountains and from some places overlooks the Elbe lowlands in the south of the city.
What an amazing image and location to be featured to start off the week! Thank you so much for your participation! Tomas
This was a really pretty birch tree in the park by my house. I thought it was really cool to see a tree that is common in my state on the other side of the world. I also thought it was interesting because of how vastly different it is from the surrounding trees and environment.
That is old town square praque czech republic. Beautiful square in the heart of Prague. Easy access to St. Charles Bridge and Prague Castle from here. Lots to do and see around the square. Definitely try the street vendors for food and drink. Very picturesque at night.

Neo-Renaissance building of the Old Town Hall, nowadays seat of the Municipal police and Art Gallery, is one of landmarks of main public space of town Slaný - Masaryk Square. The town is part of the Prague metropolitan area.
Mikulov, picture taken from a car (was not a driver). You can see Mikulov Chateau and piece of Church of saint Vaclav. It is cultural Czech monument. It was probably built in 12th century. Well, actually they started building it in 12th century but it was finished in 1640.
St. Barbara's Church, Kutná Hora
I was on a tour of the Church of St. Barbara. The Cathedral is in a place with beautiful nature. Around a lot of greenery. It is a very elegant Gothic Cathedral. The Cathedral has a very original blue roof. Also during the tour we went inside. Inside the Cathedral is very huge and majestic.
Yep, truly stunning place! Absolutely must visit on a day trip out of Prague.
Biggest castle in the world. Castello de praga, Prague Castle is one the most beautiful place in the wotld. It is a castle in its walls are fortified that shield the, but its also a, and more. It dominates the Prague skyline its position high a hill and the vast St. vitus Cathedral centrepiece.

This wonderful place at český krumlov. Czech cities and villages are gems in a treasure chest with Cesky Krumlov at the top. It’s just amazing, take a inner tube down the river that wraps itself around the city, just float through the city. The hotels are amazing, we loved baroko , slept in a 600 year old building, just amazing. The grounds like a walk through a movie set, thought we would see a King or a Princess and funny enough we did as they were shooting a movie there. Cesky Krumlov is a must see.
Oh, it sure is! Truly magnificent.
If you have the time, I suggest visiting small unknown cities, you might be surprised. There's many small towns with beautiful houses, squares, castles that you have probably never heard of. The photo below is of Moravska Trebova Castle. Nice, isnt't it?

Click to see in full size and to see other photos from Moravska Trebova on my Flickr
Nice? I don't think so.... I would say stunning:)
It s a place in the old town that is definitely worth a try. Make sure you can explore all the streets around and find all the different corners and crannys - there are some fabulous bars and shops to be found away from the main tourist areas. The food and drinks on the square are delicious, and you do not need to go far to find more authentic dishes.
read about the history of the place to truly understand the meaning of importance to the people of Prague.
The Old Town Hall Tower, built in 1338, is one of the most striking buildings in Prague. Inside is a staircase and an elevator. For a fee, visitors can climb or ride to the top to experience terrific views over the Old Town Square and the rest of the Old Town.
Dancing house in Prague. Completed in 1996, the house stands on the right bank of the Vltava River or at the corner of Rasinovo nabrezi and Jiraskovo namesti. The architects were inspired by the world-famous dance couple Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. In the whole building are no right angles.
I went to Český Krumlov by accident, somebody just mentioned that it's worth to see, I didn't know that this city is so popular, especially among Asian people, so I was really suprised seeing this place.
What a nice accident:)....lol
I took this photo in the vicinity of Mariánské Lázně. We stopped to rest after a long rally. I was shocked by the amazing state of nature - absolute calm reigned. It seemed that time had stopped. There was no sound. We silently contemplated the kingdom of rest
The water looks so still it does not even look like a water!
That's ice)
Your pictures and photo place is amaizing.I always follow your post you follow my blog @czechglobalhosts
Hamr Braník.The enclosure, close to the Vltava, has modern sports facilities for a whole series of ball sports, as well as rest areas or playgrounds for children.
wowwww, great your images, in the sculptures you can see from my point of view the construction of the masonic type of Gaulic times, at the bottom of the astronomical clock of Prague I have made my own appreciation of how this represents the flat earth

The earth is round. I have flown all around it in all directions.
I understand, remember that round is not the same as spherical, cognitive dissonance clicks, there are things in your belief system that you have not reviewed and what they indoctrinated us also you need to review.
Praha je hlavním městem České republiky a má přibližně 1,5 milionu obyvatel. Město je rozděleno do řeky Vltavy nebo také nazýváno Moldau v němčině. Některé z nejznámějších budov města zahrnují Charles nebo Karluvmost Bridge v místním jazyce, Pražský hrad, Orloj na radnici a Žižkovská televizní věž. Praha je hlavním a největším městem České republiky, ležícím v centrální části Čech a řekou Vltavou, která leží uprostřed České republiky.
Po sametové revoluci, která se konala od 17. do 29. prosince 1989, došlo v Československu k rozštěpení na konci roku 1992, kdy byla Praha jednou z nich označena za hlavní město České republiky, anglicky: Česká republika. Praha je od 11. století jako hlavním městem Čech, kde sídlí knížata a králové české, římské a německé. Pražská oblast o rozloze 496 km2 s počtem obyvatel 1 286 008. Od roku 2004 je Praha definována jako metropolitní oblast založená na Eurostatu. Jako region s rychlým přechodným ekonomickým růstem a nejbohatším regionem v České republice Praha je město s poměrně nízkými životními náklady ve srovnání s jinými velkými městy v Evropské unii. V roce 2010 byl průzkum MERCER umístěn v Praze na 70. místě jako město, které nadále zvyšuje úroveň kvality života a nejrychlejší ve východní Evropě.
Praha je bezpochyby známá jako nejkrásnější město v Evropě. Historické centrum Prahy a Pražský hrad English: Pražský hrad, český jazyk Pražský hrad je největším zámeckým komplexem na světě a je také chráněnou budovou UNESCO.
Great post
Thanks for sharing
Outstanding veiw of this photo.great contest you arranged. I love and respect your activities.
Beautiful place hoping and wishing to visit your great country, Thank you for sharing this lovely picture.I am so sorry not to participate, But to help I will up voted this and reestem. keep it up the good work.
Thanks for sharing this great photo sir @czechglobalhosts. Really amazing veiws of this photo And arranged a great contest..I like your creativity.. It's really a beautiplace sir. keep going sir.. I am with you.. Good luck for your photo contest programme sir.
Beautiful pictures and nice pleas thanks for sharing
Grateful pictures and nice place thanks for sharing.
outstanding view of this image. its not a image i think its a big time art.
just unbelievable just awesome just cool just no need for Praise just cool photo or image.
dobře drahý příspěvek je awsome a facinating. Udělali jste dobrou práci
Zůstaň požehnaný
Thank you for your support.
karlův most, charles bridge, ponte carlo, puente de carlos. I fell in love with Prague. Looking forward to visit Prague next month. My fourth visit and I'll keep comming back. Beautiful pictures I can took, i'm not sure it was may be near by river voyage, special city's view, good place here to travel.

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