A Cool Way to Make A Few Hundreds Bucks Per Day While Traveling - Amazing Story

in #travel8 years ago

We love travelling. You love it probably, too, especially when you are a Steemian as @sweetsssj's continuously trending posts being the evidence for that.

And honestly, we don't know anybody who doesn't like to travel, do you?

The only thing with travelling is that it's usually very expensive. Especially when you want to travel around the world, probably the ultimate dream for many Steemians here. But there's a simple solution to travel for free and or even make a couple hundreds bucks a day while traveling. No, this is not clickbait, it's actually a very cool and feasible ideas and has been proven to work.

Chris Dunn, a passionate and successfull entrepreneur and crypto-trader from Texas, USA, has found a way - by accident as with all good ideas - to make several hundred dollars while he was travelling himself. And we found his video explaining how he did it ;)

He was dining in a restaurant at the beach, sitting with his friends at the dock when he decided to make some shots with his drone to capture that beautiful scenery and moment.

That's when the restaurant manager noticed their drone and came up to them to ask if they would mind giving a few shots from his restaurant. They agreed of course, but giving it a second thought, Chris' friend asked the restaurant manager if he would like them to do a one-minute commercial, like flying in, out, above the restaurant etc. The manager was amazed, asked them how much, and they told him they would do it for some free food and drinks. That's how their first deal was done.

So they put it together and it was a big hit, the word spreaded through the island, and everybody started asking them "Are you guys the drone guys?" They got "booked" for several other commercials. Dunn tells in his video that the consensus was that people were ready to pay a few hundred dollars without even negotiating for a one-minute commercial, that would take "like 10 minutes of flying around and shooting and an hour of editing... the most".

So just imagine if you travel to a place that has a few restaurants, excursion companies like scuba diving, ATVs etc., there will be a lot of people that'll want some kind of commercial, "especially drone-footages, that's kind of a hot thing right now" says Dunn.

Watch his video:


@cryptocentral, thanks for the share! Another example of fellow Steemians sharing revenue generating ideas. Appreciate it!

@cryptocentral Thanks for sharing your story! My brother has a drone that looks just like it. Thanks for equipping us with the knowledge :)