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RE: Moving to Panama & Writing on Steemit - What's the Common Denominator?

in #travel7 years ago

Your profile picture tricked me then. LOL Whats keeping you so busy here that surfing is out of the question till maybe next year? the best swell is typically springtime but surf can be found all year.
I'll be interested in reading your thoughts on Panama. I find it one of the freest countries in the world myself, also the most playful. But most of my time has been spent in rural Panama where life is slow and chasing money is secondary to living life.
I'm not a surfer myself but do have many surfing friends. Same deal, chasing life through waves. And people that chase their passions are my favorite people to hang out with. So you might say that is my passion, hanging out with passionate people involved in what they love doing most.
That's why taking people to Coiba National park on week-long fishing, surfing & Scuba trips was the best time of my life! It wasn't a job, it was an adventure.
We will chat more soon....
Slow down and enjoy Panama, get your goals done on Panama time.... the clocks turn slower here. LOL


Didn't mean to trick or anything! lol I'll get to surfing on Panama time! lol I've been working on a few personal goals. I just released a book about travel that I've been working on for about 3 years. And then I'll be releasing another one later this year, much more official than this one, which is on available on kindle and PDF at the moment. I'm also working on a travel platform to help people with little to no money travel. It's in the very, but important, stage right now. Very excited about this one. May be my lifes work, we'll see.

I'd like to live out in the rural area for a little while, I grew up in Oklahoma, so the slowness appeals to me. That trip to Coiba National Park sounds like an amazing time! Mind if I join?! lol

When I'm all set up, I'll be happy to take you to Coiba. I'll be doing very reasonably priced trips for people that couldn't go otherwise, maybe throw in a few free spots. Time will tell...I still need to perform the boat rescue and install the new motor.
The " BEST " travel book I have ever read is " no shitting in the toilet " Budget and off the beaten path travel book. see if you can find it, You'll laugh your ass off. I wish I had a copy, I read it at Rancho Burica in Costa Rica.
I'll be happy to read all your books as soon as some money starts to flow my way. Right now I'm so broke, I can't even pay attention. LOL
Keep in touch, we will get together some day soon. :-)