"Israel makes huge donations to help the people in Gaza". Why not just let them fish on their coast line, build an airport, have access to their airspace, and have control over their own border? I mean, if Gaza is really a free country run by its own government.
Those Arabs in Israel are treated so well, that their Prime Minister warns Israelis to hurry to the polls to vote because the "Arabs are being bused in". Clearly they are seen as equals in Greater Israel.
If the Palestinians are really under the control of their own government, why does Israeli military law apply to them? Why are Palestinian children arrested for throwing rocks and sentenced to 20 years in prison by Israel if they have their own government in their own country?
the real question is why are they throwing rocks, and for Gaza it is another story
No, not really. That's simple. Their being occupied and having their homes bulldozed to the ground.
But if you think a 11 year old should spend 20 years in prison for throwing rocks at an occupying army then that's something you'll have to live with.