Which city has the most inhabitants?
That what my little one Duncan ask me just now while riding his bike to school .....
I said I will look it up and tell you this afternoon after school. So I looked it up and want to tell you guys to...
The answer is : S H A N GH A I 🤔
If you at least look at the city itself and not at the agglomeration around it.
24 million people live there, 1.5 times more than in my country the Netherlands!
Photo Source : Google Maps
Karachi is in second place in Pakistan. With 23.5 million inhabitants.
Beijing stands at 3.
There live 21 million people.
In Shanghai after the introduction of economic reforms at the end of the twentieth century, the capitalistic course and growth of Shanghai began.
My wish is to visit Shanghai asap and see just how big the city is! So thats my dream for the first earnings of Steem ! A girl gotta dream RIGHT...
I thought it was Mexico City. Shanghai is a great spot to be in. They economic growth is twice much higher than the rest of China. There are also a lot of expatriates there.
I will have to go back there to visit the town in the best possible way. Group travels are not really ideal if you wish to take time. However there are also some benefits in travelling in an organized group trip with a tour guide to know how things are working, especially in China.
I love to go on a trip organised or not but I have to wait a bit more. What did you think off China?
I loved being in 🇨🇳. I think I will share some impressions in an upcoming blog with pics and hints.
Stay tuned !
I Will, let me know When you post the blog!
No worries ! You have the priority 😉
Just thinking about a story in a few episodes, with some hints in the end. The story will be based on how I lived the trip and some hints. Need to find the right structure for a story telling. Some pics will also be included.
Dear Joel good plan. If its a few-episodeblogs you maybe need to include a question at the end so you can start the next episode with an answer and blog on. Good luck i’ll be waiting
Thanks for your input. I will do so
Joël do you have the Steemify app a Free app for iPhones Where you can follow your Steem account?
Dear Britta, Nope, I will have to find it. I use Sony Xperia X. I guess Steemify app should also work, will check that ASAP
thank you for the photo she is beautiful
Its from Google but I liked it too
Never thought it was Shanghai!
I've worked in China for around 3 months back in 2007. And boy it was a big place!
Amongst others, I've visited Shanghai and Beijing. I always had the opinion, looking at the two cities, Shanghai should be the capital. I thought that that is where all the magic happens. Of course, Bejing has a very rich history which justifies it as a capital I guess :)
If you have the chance, you should definitely visit! But I also recommend visiting other places in China too. So much to see there! And the food is great too!
Ps: Ik denk dat 24 miljoen mensen niet 2.5 keer het Nederlandse inwoner aantal is. Eerder 1.5 keer :)
Kak ga het meteen veranderen te snel getyped😬
Ben jaloers volgens mij heb jij veel van onze wereldbol gezien. Maar its on My wislist 😉 e grappig dat ik door de vraag van mijn 6 jarige de wens krijg om daar heen te gaan
Valt wel mee hoor hoeveel ik heb gezien. Mijn lijstje is nog veel te lang :)
Neem hem mee, kan je hem laten zien hoe groot 24 miljoen is :)
Ik zal zeker de kids meenemen! Grappig is dat de oudste stage heeft gelopen in Shanghai vorig jaar
Such a crazy city. It does depend on how you define a city and the urban area around it.
I never been There but its looks busy enough