A Man, A Van, Steem, and a Dream!

in #travel9 years ago

My plan to #travel the country in my restored VW Bus that the steem community helped pay for!!

##Wheeewwww! That was a mouth full. I hope that first sentence conveyed enough to catch your attention. Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you stick around to see my plan come to fruition. Anyway, here is my very brief story...

A Man, A Van, #Steem, and a Dream

A Man: That's me!

I am 42 years old and have wanted a VW Bus most of my life. Well, four years ago I found one on Craigslist, went to the bank and took out a loan, and bought this #beauty !!

A Van:

Sure, she doesn't look like much, but to me...she was a dream come true. I had never been so excited to get in her, and drive her back to South Texas...home sweet home! The adventure begins, right? Wrong, on the way home she sprung a major oil leak and she has never been the same. A couple grand of hard earned money and FOUR LONG YEARS later, she has gone about 30 miles on a grand total of 5 trips. The dream had become a nightmare!


Now, have a hope! My vision is restored! All because of this amazing platform. This is my chance to finally get her back on the road and on the mission in which she was created. She is currently in running order. Her engine is purring. IT'S A BEUAUTIFUL THING! However, her outer beauty does not reflect her inner spirit.

And this is where YOU come in!

I have the body work and paint job quoted out at $2500 smackaroos! My goal is to have this exterior restoration paid for entirely by steemit. And or this...she will be called Steemy. In order to do this, I need you guys to follow me and upvote the posts documenting the progress of her restoration.

The Dream:

My dream is to take my family and drive across country in a beautifully restored Steemy. While all the way, spreading the word about how she was paid for....... #steemit !!!!!

Let's #crowdfund the heck out of this.



I upvoted You

My family traveled the U.S. back in the 60s. It was a great experience of my life; Mammoth Cave, Mississippi River, Grand Canyon, Gettysburg, Disneyland, San Francisco, Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Big Bend, Las Vegas, Great Salt Lake, The Alamo, Lake Tahoe... That isn't a fraction of what we visited on the trip. The drive across country will be an opportunity of a lifetime for you and yours and you definitely got my upvote!


I love car posts, they are kind of rare on steem, hope to see more of Steemy, good luck