2,5 Weeks on Bali - #6

in #travel7 years ago

When I think back to day 4 of our trip on Bali I mainly remember the never-ending coconut.

Day 3 was quite strenuous, so on day 4 we took it easy. We slept in, hung out by the pool and went to the centre of Ubud for lunch. Maybe a nice massage afterwards. We're on holiday after all. Most of the time I tend to forget that while I try to cover as much ground as possible in one day to try and see EVERYTHING!
We tried. But after taking it easy for half a day we fall back into old habits and went for a hike. We read about a route in the area that was supposed to be pretty cool that ended at a spa and a bar, so we decided to check it out.






The hike follows a stone pathway up and down a few small hills which gives you a nice view on both the left and right side. The first 2km was supposed to be the prettiest. Then we reached (guest) houses and art shops surrounded by rice paddies.



Then we reached the well-known and highly rated spa (which was fully booked, sadly) and the bar where we could sit for a bit and have a drink. By now I was hooked on fresh green coconuts, so I decided I'd have one here as well. And boy did I get me a coconut! After the hike I was quite thirsty, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't finish that coconut... We sat there for quite some time. Robby helped me by taking a few sips. I drank so much I felt a bit nauseous and it STILL WASN'T EMPTY! Crazy coconut...


The bar and the spa are also surrounded by rice paddies. The atmosphere was very relaxing. The bar had some nice seats over the water and a pet rooster :)




We headed back towards the centre for a bite to eat and a foot massage.
Despite the hike this was a relaxing day after all. Proud of us!

Follow me @best-pomchi-ever to enjoy the rest of our trip.
On day 5 we'll explore Bali from the water!

See you soon!


Wow its wonderful and amazing place. I would love to visit these landscapes. Thanks for sharing.

If you ever get the chance: Do it! It's amazing :) Thanks for checking it out!