Life is too long to spend stuck in one place. I've never understood how some people can be content to stay at home and never leave their small little personal worlds. It just doesn't make sense to me. The world has so much to offer from new experiences, foods, cultures, and all the people who make it up. In my own travels, I've met people from dozens of countries on every continent; places I wish some day to visit myself and to experience those cultures.
I have traveled extensively across the U.S., 15 different states over the years, some of which I liked and some of which I hated, but all offering brand new experiences and trials. At this stage of my life, I've decided that I've seen all that U.S. has to offer and so will begin my world travels for the foreseeable future and share the stories and experiences I gain along the way.
I may face hardships in this journey, but those hardships are what makes the experience one of growth and worth, and they will define the person I become from that point forward. I hope some of you will join me in this journey, but I will share it with you all the same.
I'm with you, but imagine you felt your surroundings were paradise. You found all the diversity and new experiences you could handle in your surroundings.
Some people see their home as their paradise. It's why a lot of those same people are fearful of change and new experiences. To try to improve on perfection is to remove its perfection.
Philosophy aside, fantastic choice to expand your horizons and reach out to the world. From Canada, I can recommend the ever popular poutine as well as a fantastic dessert of beaver tails. In Germany just try any kind of wurst. They're far beyond the sausages we have here in North America.
Best of luck on your travels!