Hello steemians friend..The first time I was going to Kendari, I was reminded of the famous Moramo Waterfall from the city. The terraced form of this plunge itself has its own charm and uniqueness.
On arrival in Kendari, we took a walk to Teluk Kendari. The right time at 16.00 WITA, the right time to wait for sunrise in Kendari Bay. Kendari Bay right on the outskirts of public roads, many people who crowded this Kendari Bay to filtered play main.
Tomorrow, we prepare for Moramo Waterfall. Moramo Waterfall is located in the area of Tanjung Peropa Nature Reserve, Sumber Sari Village, District Moramo. The journey to Moramo Waterfall is approximately 1.5 hours from Kendari City.
Because of my trip along with My Trip My Adventure, the used car is also nuanced adventure. Usual with a regular private car can be used. There is no public transport car to the area to Moramo Falls, so bing using a rental car.
Along the way we are treated to arid hills, visible some dry trees coupled with the heat of the sun during the day. Not a few also there are some residential residents, that afternoon at all the children who had just returned from school.
Without feeling we have entered the Sumber Sari Village area. The streets we originally passed asphalt until the streets began to shrink and berbatuan. Arriving at the location of the asylum area, we also for tracking. About 2 km from we parked vehicles to walk to Moramo Waterfall.
Landscapes of tropical rainforest trees accompany our journey to Moramo Falls. There are also some springs that radiate, for me more impatient to plunge my body into the air jet.
The more we walked along the path, the more we heard the sound of Moramo Waterfall. And sure enough, we have reached the Moramo Waterfall. This is the waterfall, it is very beautiful. The shape of the hills I have been enamored with its beauty.
This waterfall is formed naturally for thousands of years. Soothing eyes gaze at the water flowing granite rocks arranged in clear air levels from a height of 100 meters. I am grateful to see the panoramic beauty of Moramo Waterfall. We also perform our rituals, plunge and play the air like small children.