As you can see the weather was perfect. I mean i was 9th of February. The sun was shinning I couldn`t ask for more.
Some more pictures of The Duome and meeee
I will not talk about the shops. If you want to buys clothes - than Milan is the destination. I was like : Oh Good whre should I start. Shops.. Shops - everywheree. You can find here not only the most famouse and expensive brands here. You can find anything when it comes to shopping. Famous brands and little italians shops. And all the customers are so polite. It`s a pleasure to shop.
I will say some words as well about the food. If you are making a diet, than Italy is the wrong place. :D Honestly! The pizza, the pasta, the ice cream. Believe no one can resist. You are in Italy. You HAVE TO EAT pizza and pasta, some tapas, ice cream, delicious desserts and of course wine.
Unfortunely regarldy of my last trip to Prague, I didn`t make that much pictures of the food that I ate. You can see my post about the food in Prague here. But A little warning - Do not read this post if you are hungry. This would be a huge mistake. I want to say something more. Italians are so polite. And they can make you feel so special. Seriously, They are awesome! They know how to make a woman happy. This sounds ambiguous but I mean that they are polite, make compliments and you do feel pretty.
Here are some others landmarks I visit:
Arco Della Pace
Arco Della Pace 2
Parco Sempione
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

I didn`t make that much pictures this time, but i prefered to watch not trough my camera but my eyes.
Milan is a place I've always dreamt of traveling to.. Heard so many wonderful things about it
Indeed it`s worth visiting it! Hope you visit it as soon as possible! :)
Наистина "човекът е човек, когато е на път"! Keep this!
Точно. Пътешествията те обогатяват толкова много. А и чрез тях можеш да преоткриеш себе си.:)
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Много красиви снимки
благодаря за споделените снимки и информация от твоето пътуване :)
Арумат на пица, звук от гласа на някои разпалено обясняващ италянец, вълшебния вкус на джелато, приказната игра на лъчите на залязващото слънце върху бялата катедрала............ незабравимо!!!
Много добре казано!
Ани пожелавам ти все така да бъдеш усмихната,лъчезарна и щастлива.
Ти просто си един страхотен човек.
Поздрави и успех ти желая от все сърце.❤️
Благодаря ти за милите думи! 🌸
Toller Post und schön, dass Du wieder da bist!
Hattest du Zweifel dass ich nicht zurückkommen würde:))
Dankee! :)))