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RE: We're Going to the Maldives for My Birthday (Yes, You're Coming Too!)

in #travel7 years ago

Moving from Canada to Bali! Sounds like a dream (I am Canadian and freezing right now) How did that transition even happen? Only in my dreams can I imagine doing that!


Hey! :) Well, I don't not just not like the cold... I violently despise it. I am really small and don't believe I can hack Canadian winters without more layers to keep me warm so I just promised myself I would get out as soon as I could and never see another winter so I just did it and traveling for the last almost 5 years now, lead me to here, in warmth ;) <3 I just one day left. Packed my bags, dropped them at my mom's house and sold everything I could. It was really dramatic looking back :P

How were you able to just move there though, did you have to get some type of visa? Curious as that is a really amazing thing to do!

Hey I am from Canada too. Where about are you located?

I live in Ontario, how about you?

Me too. Just outside of Toronto. :)